Question by ipeewhite: What were some of the Drunkest Celebrations or Parties or Festivals of the ancient world that don’t exist?

I’m currently doing a research project on some the craziest parties/celebrations/festivals that took place in ancient history. I’m mainly looking for celebrations that don’t exist anymore. So celebrations that have stood the test of time and are currently celebrated today isn’t the focus. I have done tones of research online and can’t seem to come up with much. A few examples of what I have found are: THE CRITIC’S REVENGE Paris, 10 November 1975, NERO’S LAKE OF WINE, THE FEAST OF BEASTS Paris, 31 December 1870.

The crazier the celebration and the more drinking the better.

I know it’s a weird request, but any help is greatly appreciated!

Thanks again,

Best answer:

Answer by Muinghan Life During Wartime

Greek God Bacchus, god of male fertility, wine, music and ecstatic dance.
Held in secret and attended by women only.
Those who partake in his mysteries are possessed and empowered by the god himself.
His cult was a “cult of the souls”; his maenads feed the dead through blood-offerings, and he acts as a divine communicant between the living and the dead.
The notoriety of these festivals, where many kinds of crimes and political conspiracies were supposed to be planned.
Think drunk, crazy, horny, dancing vampires.
A guy could literally and gladly loose his head at one of these things.

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