Question by Suprt ur lcl pedofle:be a Catlik: What specifically is wrong with magic and sorcery?
What do Abrahmic religions have against witchcraft, magic, and sorcery? Do they realise that magic spells don’t work and that magic isn’t real? I have never seen anyone cast a spell that worked, magick is just as silly as believing in some magic pixie who lives in the sky.
How can magick be a bad thing if it doesn’t even work?
Best answer:
Answer by IanCorrigable
Nobody can actually do it.
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It’s your opinion that it doesn’t work. We who know what we are doing with it know otherwise. And I don’t care what abrahamic religions think about it.
It’s a fraud. It doesn’t work.
I’ve had dozens of wiccan friends, and I’ve asked all of them to try spells on me. No one ever even tried.
God has nothing against magic for the sake of entertainment.
God opposes witchcraft (where by definition a human being is in contact with a demonic spirit). That kind of figures being demons are hostile to their Creator.
the official catholic answer is that it lessens dependence on god
Besides being make-believe?
It is of the devil.
And uh….yes spells do work. Just because you haven’t witnessed anything to doesn’t make them not real.
The arguement kind of goes along the lines of……….if you have never seen an aardvark then how do you know they are real?
Magic is like prayer. It is all energy and can be proved by Quantum Mechanics and Bell’s Theory which states that all things in the universe are connected in an immediate and intimate way even at the sub atomic level. This is supported by the EPR Effect in which states that electrons are created in pairs and each have an opposite rotation from its twin and if the rotation of one is changed the other automatically reverses its own rotation indicating some kind of communication between the two without regard to distance.
Chew on that one for awhile.
Magick used correctly is wholesome and good, used incorrectly can cause harm. Just like any decision or power even political. Yes magick does work, but perhaps not in the way you were looking for. It is not some trick we who use it pull out at parties to impress our friends, but actual changes being made through the use of natural energy and focus. Sometimes there are big changes, sometimes they are very small changes that are hard to see. But they are real as is Magick. As to why the Abrahamic religions preach against the use of Magick, also called Witchcraft, I would suggest that you read the Dead Sea Scrolls. You will find that the bible actually told christian priests how to use Magick to bind demons to their will, to feed and provide water for their people and more. The fundamental sect of the Abrahamic religion would like to disprove and cast aspersions on anyone who threatens their power and dominion over the populace by claiming satanic forces are what makes Magick work, but Pagans have never been christian and do not even believe in the concept of the christian devil or satan. They have used Magick, herbal remedies and midwifery for centuries before the Abrahamic religions were ever thought of and without having to call on any demon or evil influences to help. I know this answer will get thumbs down by the fundamentalists and the christians out there, but no matter what your bible states, you can’t change history and truth just because your doctrine and dogma say you can.
obviously you have a completely failed attempt to understand magic. you ought to read Aliester Crowley’s works.