What mind is? Metamorphosis of mind
Nothing is ever lost, nothing is ever created, everything is constantly transforming.
When I think of how operating system that controls every aspect of our existence originates and operates, I am inclined to think of it with analogy to form of mind that has same source and origin as our mind. If everything in existence originates from the same source, than our mind must be derived from that source as well. Invision an outburst of pure data that is capable of replication, randomization and organization of itself.
Try to invision what that would be, if you immersed in the complete emptiness without your physical body. Just yourself aware of your mind and nothing else. If you are ready, your imagination and will power would make you a God of reality, that will be created by you – imaginative reality. Question is – “How that reality is different from the one we are in right now?”
If we assume the common theory, that our Universe in the elementary level is build of Fluctuations of a Zero Point Field, and taking into consideration a reasonable assumption, that our mind can influence, control and even produce these fluctuations, we can realize that Imagination could be the key of creation itself. Mind can transform reality by imagining changes of a common reality – reality made up of energy and information within the fluctuations of a Zero Point Field.
You are likely to ask: “Why when we visualize these changes, it does not work?”
Default settings of our mind has enabled Safety protocol. Limitations that our own mind sets are necessary to prevent us from self destruction. Most people simply are not ready. Like a chrysalis waiting to be transformed to a butterfly, Human Mind goes through stages of metamorphosis. We are here preparing for the next transformation. Intuitively I sense that next metamorphic step in evolution of human mind will be based on our concsious will to boldly explore our hidden abilities, not only to affect reality directly with our thoughts, but to exist beyond realm of physical reality.
Actual realization of a holographic principle, that everything in the existence is connected to everything else, and contained within everything else, somehow make me start thinking with an analogy to highly advanced 3d simulation software.
You may be familiar with computer program called Maya. That is just an example. Same principles apply to many advanced 3d applications. Such programs build based on Hierarchy of a separate units called nodes. Data evaluated by passing from node to node downstream direction, and as a result, creating virtual reality, that can basically simulate anything that can take place in the material world. Those nodes can be created and rearranged with absolute freedom, so Maya can be reorganized into Tetris, or even bookkeeping software. I am not entitled to suggest, that Maya software somehow works like mind of the universe. I simply like to invite you to a conversation that will expand limits of your imagination in regards to how it possible to perceive the universe, and it’s hyperdimensions.
Can independent Self-Aware mind forms connect into single unifying platform, similar to nodes of a 3D program? We operate by receiving data within range of a certain frequencies through our sensors, evaluate it with our mind, and then we export our response data back to the system. If we learn how to consciously format that form of data, we can effectively make adjustments to reality, even override common laws of existence, just by expressing compatible protothought.
When I write “our mind”, I mean an establishment of nodes, that process and exchange information and, as a final output, creates vibrations that forms our reality.
Node of Self-Awareness – a part of our mind, that keeps us consciously aware , is within a certain range of frequencies that forms our cognitive system. By Default, Self-Awareness Node connected low in the hierarchy of nodes, is keeping our experiences limited. Our hyper mind filters out the information we are not ready to perceive. Space and Time are also Nodes of the same establishment, here in the system, they evaluate data, forming our perception of space and time. Fluctuations of Zero Point Field are likely exists outside of our space time continium. To restructure your mind, reprogram ourselves, establish new connections between nodes, all we need is to understand programming language, actual minds proto encryption. Only one tool exists to learn about our mind, is actually mind itself. Initial understanding of logic , programming and basic principles of an evolution stream, can bring us closer to understanding what mind is, but, the rest we are not meant to learn on the material level.
Andrei Bannikov creator of Journey to the Unmanifested – a unique series of audio-visual meditation sessions for developing Psychic abilities. For More Information visit: www.BinauralFX.com
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