Question by narutard: What is the difference from full metal alchemist and full metal alchemist brotherhood?
i dont watch this show but i want to get into it so is there a difference from these 2? i read somewhere that full metal alchemist brotherhood is just a remake of the series with more episodes…im thinking about buying full metal alchemist brotherhood season 1.
Best answer:
Answer by Allyson is a crazy fangirl
FMA is the original series. It was very different from the manga.
FMA Brotherhood follows the manga.
I haven’t started FMA Brotherhood yet, but i finished the first series and loved it, I suggest you don’t buy the dvds, since you don’t know if you like the show. Trying renting the dvds from the library, or watching episodes online from websites like these (if you watched the english version)
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Fullmetal Alchemist is the beginning of the brother’s traveling and Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is the second season of Fullmetal Alchemist. Hope u understand!
Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood follows the manga very closely, and thus is similar to the original anime at the beginning. However, the first anime diverged from the manga drastically during the second half. The entire backstory is different, some characters’ personalities and names are different, and several characters (especially the ones from Xing) are omitted from the first series.
in Brotherhood, there is a greater emphasis on romance (roy x hawkeye, Ed x Winry, Lan Fan x Prince Ling), though it is still 80-90% implied
For a complete list of changes (with spoilers aplenty) go to
from the first 13 episodes, there is no difference rly their are bascially the same. generally speaking. dont’ bai he episodes, just a waste of time u can watch it anywhere online. fma- full metal alchemist. the first series. is much more serious, the story line is much more solid, the characters are limited, there is humor, barely any romance, sry if ur looking for that. the story makes mroe sense. the second series more humor, romance, u hav to watch the first series to undertand the second one, those details that are not enlisted in the first one are explained in the second one and vice versa. more characters, more explanation of the world, map of the world is more clear, story line is solid but not as solid as the first, it sorta makes sense, charater from all over the world comes in , we no of a few contries like xing, dracma, aerogo, isbal, it was annexed by the amestrians though. this is only my opinon but i would say the second one is better. and its still going out now, only up to 15 episodes are dubbed, the rest are subbed, ep. 59 raw came out today. there is going to be 63 episodes. ummmm. ill give ur the sites. but ya.