Question by Midnite_Starr: What is soothsaying and what does a soothsayer do?
Best answer:
Answer by special-chemical-x
He tells the future and the meaning of current events.
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Question by Midnite_Starr: What is soothsaying and what does a soothsayer do?
Best answer:
Answer by special-chemical-x
He tells the future and the meaning of current events.
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In two words…”Fortune Teller.”
a soothsayer is what they called fortune tellers back in ancient Rome
Sooth equals Truth, so a soothsayer is a truthsayer. They supposedly told the truth about the future.
A soothsayer is a person who claims to speak sooth: specifically one who predicts the future based upon personal, political, spiritual, mental or religious beliefs rather than scientific facts.
Typically, soothsayers include:
Practitioners of divination
Fortune tellers
It is the ability to foretell the future. A soothsayer is sort of like a fortune teller or a mind reader. In Biblical times, soothsayers were referred to as prophets. A soothsayer of modern times was Edgar Cayce.
1. The art or practice of foretelling events.
2. A prediction; a prophecy.
Something that is foretold by or as if by supernatural means: divination, oracle, prophecy, vaticination, vision. See foresight.
Meaning #1: the art or gift of prophecy (or the pretense of prophecy) by supernatural means
Synonyms: divination, foretelling, fortune telling