Awakening and perfect inner freedom is now possible for everyone, made possible through the divine phenomenon of Oneness Blessing – The Divine reaching out to man! For more information see:,,,
A higher spiritual awareness of the biology of the brain & mind can significantly advance one towards Enlightenment and Zen. The science of biology says that the brain’s thoughts are just the result of cells doing work, and teachings on spirituality talk about having a silent mind of Zen. Biology + Buddhism = Enlightenment. and
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@cspace1234nz um to help others to better the world and as eating is a requirement of the phycal world not of the spiritual world if u are enlightened that does not mean u will have no reason to eat u have no desire but u understand it is a requirement of the physical world therefor u would eat, unless u know the body is pointless so u leave it behind for the spiritual world.
@jsab0 to not have desires does not mean u cant do anything it means u have no hunger to do anything that doesnt stop u from doing something. it might help others to do something so u do it , if jesus saw that learning is good would he not study simpy to be a role model for others desire doesnt always have to b the reason to do something
@jsab0 ur trying to explain things that cannot be explained period . using logic from the physical world is like tryin to explain wat depth is to a blind person.
I already knew that but i could nt describe it as well as u did i experienced that with the help of dmt and u can realize that simply by already being enlightened in a sense because if u can relate with anything by knowing everything is u and u are everything .
Enlightnment is for urself and urself only it is a path one must walk on ones own, im not saying helping others is bad im just saying somethings u learn must be kept to oneself not for reasons of ego but because somethings may confuse those that dont have ur understanding one mans enlightnment is another mans insanity. You cannot walk without first learning to crawl. that is of my common sense if it doesnt agree with yours dont believe it if it does believe it.
Thank You
Love & Gratitude
@cspace1234nz When one reach enlightenment they all mostly just sit in their state of nirvana and do nothing, for they can live without eating and sleeping, because of the energy.
@Anythingwilldo41 tanks 😛 well like i said. the pen is your everything in your fysical body what controls the pen is also what controls the body, the body is a tool just like the pen 😀
@Gaprielll lol. good 1
if you like this topic, perhaps you should come and visit my channel. i’ve uploaded a few videos on spiritualism (mostly pantheism)
Subconciously I knew that but I never “knew” that. Wow, thanks.
great video thanks for sharing,
Awesome video…. I like how you touched on “No – Thing” Eckhart Tolle talks about that in his books. You must pick up a copy of ‘The Super beings” by John Randolf Scott. It first came out in the 70’s but is still available. him and his wife have a website on the web.. Blessings and Light… Michael Calgary,AB
@jsab0 I absolutely deny that I exist. Existence is an illusion. There isn’t any commonality in how people perceive anything. It’s everybody speaking their own language in their own world. Language is a fictitious common element created by each one of us. A bastardization of reality that binds us to one another in an under-current of ignorance.
@RymvTheGod “Completely nothing” as in formless and devoid of all attributes, characteristics and definitions, but it’s Infinitely Everything beyond physicality. It can’t be completely and utterly nothing because you can’t deny that you exist, and that existence is “something” even if it’s formless no-thing. Formless no-thing, yet Infinitely Everything, yet both, yet neither, because it’s all concepts made of form.
But that’s the fallacy. It’s easy to accept that “you” are everything. But, in truth, you’re completely nothing. “You” are just as much an illusion as everything else.
@jsab0 Makes you wonder how many people have been caught up in these various states unknowingly and have been mistakenly diagnosed with mental illnesses. Seems there are some who have never meditated or followed any particular path but have had spontaneous “awakenings”
@cspace1234nz Often they don’t do anything & they sit in bliss while the body wastes away. Ramana Marharshi’s story is a well documented case. Ramakrishna’s states of ecstasy are well known too, as well several Christian mystics like St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross. A more recent example is David Hawkins who said he was “laid out for years” when he first reached the state. But this is all heresay so it looks like we’ll just have to wait until we’re liberated ourselves to find out.
the thing is tat no one is capable of expressing it n explaining it!!! they must just say us how to experience it but nothing else cz they will sound stupid n crazy.
the thing is tat no one is capable of expressing it n explaining it!!! they must just say us how to experience it but nothing else cz they will sound stupid n crazy.
@jsab0 If someone is in the state you are describing why would they bother doing anything ? Why would they even eat ? Would they not perhaps just sit there in the corner and do nothing ?
So if they are going to prepare a meal they might just as well balance a cheque book, read a book or check out some stuff on the internet. Why wouldn’t they ?
@cspace1234nz That’s similar to “in the world, but not of it.” I’m familiar with the saying but I believe it’s being used out of context. If active in the world, would Buddha, Jesus, Krishna, Bodhidharma, Huang Po, Gandhi, Mother Teresa, St. John of the Cross, Nisargardatta Maharaj, Ramana Maharshi, Lao Tzu, etc. really be watching youtube videos or would they be helping the world? (not that there’s an individual left to do such a thing; the body acts on it’s own with Divine guidance)
@jsab0 What’s that old saying ??
Before enlightenment, chopping wood, fetching water and watching youtube…after enlightenment, chopping wood, fetching water and watching youtube