by Chris Devers
Question by jackiemc113: What is a good book for a twelve year old girl who need the book approved by her teacher?
i like books about world war II and mysteries. I also like fictional stories, but NO mid evil stories, and i dont want it to be more than 200 pages…HELP!!!!!
Best answer:
Answer by tyler9467
“And Then There Were None” by: Agatha Christie
This is a really good mystery book that is definitely a page turner. It keeps you guessing right till the very last page.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
aww. midevil stories rock. i think anyone would like (despite what u said) “Jade Green” by phyllis reynolds naylor
its a ghost story
i read it in one sitting(3 hours)
I know this doesn’t follow all the Criteria.. but I love Harry Potter, and I bet your teachers will think it’s great you’re reading them?
where’s waldo