Question by Jason Owen: What if consciousness and energy were actually just different terms to describe the same thing?
(This was originally intended to be an answer to a question which was removed before I could post)

In that case, the religious and non-religious could both be right. It’s a theory which is growing in popularity that reality is just as beauty; in the eye of the beholder. In the case of religion, there are plenty of valid arguments for and against the possibility or likelihood of a supreme god.

Whether or not the energy (or consciousness) is infinite or not is an interesting question, but ultimately irrelevant, no?

Best answer:

Answer by hindu monk
Good question,u need to a have a deeper enquiry into it

Every morning and night go into silence or deep meditation, for meditation is the only way to discriminate between truth and error.

Paramahansa Yogananda
Some like to believe that there are over hundred techniques of meditation; each lingering at a different level, each manifesting its influence on the consciousness at a different pace.

The world over, many have confused meditation with concentration and relaxation with meditation. Techniques using music, dance, other forms of creative expression, an array of therapies (both physical and mental), have all been synchronised into one basket – Meditation!

But truly speaking, many of these work more at the intellectual level while others are only channels for relaxation and prepare you for the more serious stages of true meditation. From the point of view of the advanced Yogis, meditation really is a scientific technique for communion with God, and is the seventh step (dhyanai) in Patanjali’s eightfold path. To a host of new age and other spiritualists, however, techniques that encourage you to manifest mindfulness and be aware also fall under the gamut of meditation.

Meditation when done scientifically draws back into the central part of our body the spine and the brain the life current distributed throughout the various organs of the body, thereby magnetising these two very central parts (spine and brain) which in the astral body are also home to the seven chakras…ultimately leading the distributed energy back to their original centers of distribution. This really results in one experiencing oneself as Light. It is in this state that one’s physical self, consciously manages to free itself from the chords of its bodily and mental distractions.

Amidst the varying opinions and tastes, not to forget the pressures of modern day living and the multitude of diverse inner personalities cum spiritual interests, it might only seem prudent to encourage individuals to choose that form of meditation which seems appropriate to their own nature, feelings, and the goal they really seek to attain from their spiritual practices. Apropos, there are Hindu techniques, Buddhist techniques, techniques from other religions, and even those that do not belong to any religion in particular. We thus can also seem to have one or more universal forms of meditation.

Just as one moves from kindergarten to school to college to a Bachelor’s level and then onward, perhaps, to a post-graduate platform, so too in the realm of spiritual practices each one of us is drawn to and imbues practices and techniques as may be appropriate to our inner development. This is why some persons indulge in worship of deities, some prefer to seek God through mantra practices, and many others believe in relating with the formless One.

In the initial search one may be initiated into the path through the medium of simple techniques relating to meditation on objects, images, etc., but as one genuinely progresses and ardently calls out to the Divine to reveal Itself, one is definitely guided on to the one right approach as may behove one’s current spiritual personality.

Dear one, whatever be the technique that you practice, seek to do it in wisdom and with an understanding of the science behind your physical and subtle (energy) bodies. The benefits of all activity done with the intention of freeing the soul from bondage are manifold, and anything done with awareness and attention will only nurture deeper and faster success.

In our presentation here, we attempt to give credence to the importance of scientific methods in meditation and yet present some more simple techniques for the benefit of a beginner or one not yet wholly groomed on the path. Meditation is for both the atheist and the theist. It is concerned with awakening the realisation of the Self within, and is therefore beneficial to all and sundry

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