Question by Was that supposed to be funny?: What do you think of this abstract concept?
I have been watching several science programs lately about space, time, and physics. On one of the programs it talks about parallel universes and alternate dimensions, and how they can interact or interfere with our own. It said that there could be a parallel universe right under our nose but we wouldnt be able to see it. First of all, since it is pertaining to science, do you believe it?

Also, it got me thinking about the concept of God and spirituality. What if our minds and our consciousness is connected with alternate dimensions and/or parallel universes? What if souls do exist and they are connected to separate entities besides this one? I’m not trying to undermine His Holy Goodness, but what if God did exist and He was a unit of consciousness connected to a higher dimension that intersects with our own like how a plane surrounds a point, giving His conscious mind controlled ability to interact with or control the Universe.

This all goes back to the question of, is there really more than meets the eye. And while many say no, this is the only thing we’ve got and say it is not likely, I think that is close minded and that there really is more than meets the eye and that it is very, very likely.. What is your opinion on all of this?

Best answer:

Yes, many of the multi universe theories like String Theory M do have a very mystical leaning to them.

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