Question by Universal Mind: What do you think about Physics, neuroscience, and biology taking a look into the properties of Consciousness
apart from what psychology and philosophy has discovered from a relational aspect of life
Best answer:
Answer by Red Heron
I think that’s awesome that they’re doing that, but I’m still waiting for something I can poke holes in before I pass judgment on whether or not I like it. If I think they’re being irrational (skewing the results intentionally either for or against belief in something is high on my list of fraudulent activities that make me critical of studies), then I’m going to really waggle my finger hard at them.
If, however, they do a completely honest, unbiased, fair report (including what they can’t answer); include their methodologies and data sources; adhere to standards of data collection and allowances for anomalous data; and in all ways conduct themselves impartially, then I will laud whatever results they find as the highest proof there could be.
Well, unless someone else can poke holes that I didn’t see.
What do you think? Answer below!
I agree with Heron – I think it’s cool that they’re looking into it, but I think a few of the more credulous are taking it too far – such as trying to link consciousness with quantum mechanics, when there’s no actual evidence for it. But since consciousness is hard to understand, the more people working from the more angles, the better.
If an answer is going to be found about the nature of consciousness, the methodologies most likely to bear fruit will be scientific. Our consciousness resides in the brain and the brain is a physical medium. There should be no reason why we cannot fully understand it.
It is all connected, I think you know that.
Opening the door one never knows what will find behind?
We are here not by accident and I will be very glad under this question to find also answer from someone like Mr Hocking
You should all check out the work of Dean Radin and Amit Goswami.