Question by Zappa Fan: What do non-Religious science-oriented people think Consciousness is and how does it relate to Reality?
Please don’t just tell me that Consciousness corresponds with the brain. We know that. I want you to give me a non-shallow answer as to what you think consciousness is and how it relates to physical reality (including the brain).

Best answer:

Answer by eli
this question sems a little curious
but reality is so totally subjective
so don’t think that you can use several people’s views to apply to all “non-Religious science-oriented people”
your reality is specific to only you
we redefine what reality is to us on a daily basis
sort of like a scientist formulating his theory
when a situation arises that puts our reality in a different light we adjust it

not only that but how do you know your dreams aren’t reality
how do you know that what you call consciousness isn’t a dream

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