Metric unit conversion
Video Rating: 4 / 5
From a Los Angeles millionaire, to drug addicted street person, to a Catholic Priest…Father John Corapi’s story is simply amazing. This is a simplified ten minute version of Fr. Corapi’s Conversion Story (otherwise known as his Personal Testimony). The statement of this 10 minute video is simple…”God’s Name is Mercy!”
Video Rating: 4 / 5
you should do a video on dimensional analysis, For example. The average human heart pumps blood at a rate of 6.8 liters/second, what is the same rate in gallons per hour
@weisszil The metric system is far easier to use than that horrible imperial system the americans use. Everything works out so much nicer if you use metric.
mnemonic to the metric system.
King – Kilo
Henry – Hecto
Drinks – Deca (deka)
Ucky – Unit point (meter, liter, gram)
Dark – Deci
Chocolate – Centi
Milk – milli
Credits go to uploader “robichaud” not me. I’m just sharing. 🙂
What’s the point in learning the Metric system ?
@circlesarecrazy It’s good to remember both methods because the method you mentioned works great for converting between metric units, but Sal’s can work for things other than the metric system like feet, inches, ect…
Mr. Kahn – Thank you very much for all these videos…you have made our math lives so much easier!!!
you help me a lot…..thank man
@amoxtlacatl what/where is the metric converter?
@zsatherlie101 what/where is a metric converter?
Thanks! 🙂
why don’t you just set up a proportion?
i think this was the first khan academy video
My problem is converting 2 units at one time, like 50mg/mL into kg/L? Any help would be appreciated!
Yup – you can use the metric converter…
But if you learn this now, you’ll have a much less hard time when you start using different types of units in physics.
king henrys dirty pants do contain mold
OMGG!!! I love you, you are just….. simply amazing you should be likea teacher!!
Multiples: deca-hecto-kilo- mega-giga-tera-peta-exa-zetta-yotta-
Subdivision: deci-centi-milli-micro-nano-pico-femto-atto-zepto-yocto-
I did. 3rd grade if I remember correctly.
Who the hell uses Deca?
UhhhhhHuhHuh…He said unit.
use your common sense!
you can always use the “metric converter” instead of this to create a more easy shortcut.
Larger unit to small unit we MULTIPLY. Smaller to larger we DIVIDE.
oh sorry dont answer that its 42.2×1000
Father Corapi’s story really inspires me to love God more with my heart and overcome the sin that prevents me from loving God. God Bless.
@DeaconSteve I understand what you are saying and may God judge your sincerity according to the reality of your personal faith in Him.The Bible is a book of Faith if nothing else.However, you need to understand that if there was truly such a thing as “common sense” every person would have the same opinion concerning any topic! It’s very obvious that we don’t.Each person is born into his own sphere of influence and tends to stick within that framework.
Father Carapi gives me hope because he proves that Jesus really exists. maybe there is still hope for me.
My inspiration to come back fully into the Church, he helped my Reversion.
He is coming to speak in Cincinnati, OH in July. Capacity is 10,000 seats. Get them quick!
Real, genuine, true to his destiny, which is actually His will on him…
Father Corapi Is the most wonderful Preist i have ever listened to and im gonna be listening to alot more!
god bless this priest , he tells it like it is ,he does not mince his words , the catholic church needs more priests like this guy , pray for the catholic church, pray for priests, and the pope, for they are being targeted by the old enemy big time
“Everyday reveals new peadophillia scandals with the hierarchy aiding and abetting the crimes.”
Wrong! These are old cases rehashed.
The Catholic Church is not satanic. The Catholic religion itself is perfect. The low lifes that are scandalizing our religion are not following what the Catholic religion teaches. They will get their judgement.
Thank the Lord for priests like Father John Corapi. We’re planning on seeing him when he comes to San Antonio, Tx.
TheCannonofMohammed Truth is no one and everyone is gauranteed Heaven. This means we should never, ever put all our hope or expectation in any man or woman. To do this goes contrary to real Christianity. Man is a sinner. Period. The book of Life if believed in shows us this because each 1 person is an individual with an individual book- so therefore we are and aren’t responsible for eachother. Difficult stuff.. But this is God. Praise God because He wants Goodness In His Home, not perfection.
The Catholic Church is not satanic
@carefreefuntastic I used to cut the Catholic Church some slack until it became so painfully obvious that the hierarchy was involved at every step. Because of the hierarchal coverup the scandals are very unique in the world of religion. Everybody can understand a few bad apples—but when the bad apples are coddled and not even turned over to the police? Sorry—the Catholic Church is satanic.
@TheCannonofMohammed Theres scandals everywhere. In almost every church, often in higher percentages than the Catholic Church. Less than 2% of the clergy are involved in these scandals. Should we stop supporting schools because they have paedophiles? Yes, the church has problems, and this is definitely one of them,, but the Catholic Church doesn’t stand for paedophilia, it’s not a belief or anything in Catholicism. Catholics are in the Church because of the faith, they worship God not priests!
I enjoy listening to this guy—but face it, the Catholic Church is so screwed up it isn’t funny. Everyday reveals new peadophillia scandals with the hierarchy aiding and abetting the crimes. I thought Islam was screwed up—the Roman Catholic church is just as bad! Remember: if you ever feel sympathetic to Catholicism, just remember the arrogant priests taking sexual advantage of little children in their care. NOT OF GOD—OF SATAN!
” You have to use something called “common sense.””
Yeah, good luck with that! Much easier to believe the ridiculous…..
if anyone wants to read the ‘post-experience’ poetry please google “Gerard Haughey spiritual poetry” and you will get a link there. Thanks.
God be with you too.
or mabye it’s likely.
I also cried, repented for about 3 weeks. I poured my heart out in confessions and those words “I absolve you of your sins” it is so interesting to hear Fr. Corapi talk about that b/c that in itself in confessions gave me an undeniable Hope in that very instance and let me tell you I heard those words so clearly, never before in my life did I listen so intently. I am so thankful for this unlikely human experience.
I wrote poems, didn’t become a priest, but I too felt the Mercy Fr. Corapi talks about.. I had a dream it was just life-changing and that’s because it was so much more than the dream itself.. it was something else, probably not meant to be articulated in any human language.. but you know the undeniable Presence is there. I also say it was ‘Mercy’ but when you feel a Divineness you change.
I had an almost identical experience as Fr. Corapi. All of this, which I also played for my mother (who is Irish and has tons of Catholic stuff too), agrees that this is so similar almost identical to an experience I had recently. My experience happend to me after having not prayed to Mother Mary for most if not all of my life. I decided to pray to Mary and shortly after I had the experience
Last comment: This mere man is “worshipped’–and that’s sinful…
He is not a priet, a superstar or anything but a wannabe–Worshipggod and not a man..
He’s not a priest–he never received Holy Orders–there’s no such animal as “Changing the Sacraments” as did Anti- Pope Paul VI DiD!
See “he wanted to …go some place special”— PRIDE—as if his sins were any worse than anothers! He needs “special absolution!” WHY? That’s the problem here
Last comment: This mere man is “worshipped’–and that’s sinful…
He is not a priet, a superstar or anything but a wannabe–Worshipggod and not a man..
He’s not a priest–he never received Holy Orders–there’s no such animal as “Changing the Sacraments” as did Anti- Pope Paul VI DiD!
See “he wanted to …go some place special”— PRIDE—as if his sins were any worse than anothers! He needs “special absolution!” WHY? That’s the problem here…
Friend: Beware of sheep–in wolves clothing
What I said, is true unfortunately–He wants to be “somebody,” and the facts of his conversion back into FrankenNew-Church are rife with heresy, not tomention what I said–Truth is Humility–Truth is charity–it is served benignly–even if the facts upset you… I met John corapi briefly—I was glad i did–but then I found out the full story to long to reiterate here… MHP
@mhowardONE what would lead you to believe such, brother? what history and facts may you present us with?