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The Ties That Bind: Buddhism And Depression
Buddhism and depression have long been two words closely connected. This is due to the overwhelming healing and understanding it is believe to be achieved in various states of meditation. In a state of complete wholeness and understanding, Buddhism and depression are converted to positive energies and released back into the atmosphere. This is one of the main reasons that there isn’t a high incidence of depression among Buddhists.
When we examine the very definition of depression it is actually a state of feeling inferior to your environment and minimal control. This stage can influence an individual to seek out flaws and strongly dislike them. In this state of mind individuals begin to punish themselves in order to feel as though they have some control. Buddhism and depression is not a popular issue because through mediation, Buddhists are able to reach a higher state of being and are able to release those negative feelings and energies.
We are conditioned to believe that seeking knowledge from within is self-serving and a selfish act. Buddhism and depression is avoided because they are of the belief to seek inward to find all answers in personal lives as well as all aspects of life. The truth of our lives is not that we are predominantly bad and should be forever punished for it. Buddhists are taught to climb a mountain towards perfects and reach enlightenment through meditation and inner guidance.
Buddhists and all other denominations understand and have experienced pain of depression at one point in their lives. The pain of feeling that others are superior to you and that you are not good enough. It is so powerful it nearly throws the individual into a trance so we never have to confront the depression. Buddhism and depression are opposites by their very nature in that they understand and imagine a life without anxiety or about the imperfections of our human selves.
The character of Buddha is to understand that nature is perfect, and that humans are not, and that is just being and is acceptable. Buddhism and depression are also avoided, as Buddhists believe that drugs alter the system in a numbing way and this can often induce feelings of inadequacy, guilt and a variety of other negative feelings.
They sustain from alcohol, which is a depressant, as well as foods that are rich in sugars and saturated fats as this is believed to bring on negative emotions and feelings as well. These are all contributing factors to which there is such a low number of Buddhists that suffer from depression.
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