The Divine Within – The God Inside – Nag Hammadi Library – Gospel of Thomas – Gnosticism – Gnostics

What is gnosticism, mysticism, the western mystery tradition, secret societies? The origins of Christianity and Wicca, why they are connected…
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BRING FORTH OF WHAT IS INSIDE YOU! If you stop all sexual activity for 12 days depending on the person, your body will consume its own semen and it turns into blood and travels through out the whole body.. Jesus said , “examine yourself, the truth is in you.
Thanks for your efforts. I have read some of the Gnostic gospels, and the gospel
of St. Thomas, and even some of Mary Magdelena (sp?).
So, this is a real and rare treat.
Without the lamb your knowlege becomes dung. God is one but represents himself through the trinity; we as ppl are devided inside, but if we use what has been taught with not our own human understanding but holy direction then we shall be fit for the kingdom and become one in him.
has anyone seen the video on youtube Sacraments of Gnostic Church 1
@kimbo99 – In the modern case LAY GNOSIS the Divine spark within makes a move toward YOU revealing itself in a daily drip feed into ones daily internal awareness. AND its physically contagious.! Proven in 10 countries.. 2 -3 yr veteran gnostics contactable. FREE. truebluehealerDOTcom
For Physical Evidence of God…. To the calmly curious- For evidence of a second intelligence within yourself-Vivid Dreams onset in 7 days, plus repeatable handtingles- search YouTube on LAY GNOSIS 1 BEGIN HERE site truebluehealerDOTcom-Regardless of beliefs-Even atheist testimonials, including doctors from 9 countries.20 mins gets you started.A growing list of triggered 1yr gnostic veterans contactable. Its FREE with footprints of many before you in the BEGINNERS TOUR truebluehealerDOTcom
This was really great, thank you for posting!
Good stuff
Thanks AP, quality stuff like this is hard to come by.
Most of them do not know how to become a son of Man never mind of son of God.
Thanks, AcceleratorPlus.
You did very well to put everything together so seamlessly. I’ll certainly check out your playlist. We can learn much and be so much more with Gnosis.
All the clips are from the same video.. but because a lot of it was in Dutch I had to edit it.. and I rearranged the parts that were in English
They are the high-lights from a 3 hour Gnostic series that was on the BBC about 25 yeras ago.. which I had recorded onto video when it was screened in Holland..The documentary was originally broadcast in English.. Sadly I only have a version in Dutch.
If you want to see more of this video check out my playlists. The Gnostic playlist consists of about eleven parts.. all extracts from this classic documentary.
Great Video, Thanks. AcceleratorPlus.
About the parts which show Jesus speaking the words of the Gospel of St Thomas – did those come from a separate video?
So nice to hear Elaine Pagels. 🙂 Very enjoyable… “Examine yourself”…. good advice.
Absolute gold at 1:29- 1:46 The gnostic view of the world makes so much more sense to me than the so called “orthodox” teachings. ” TO be the creator of this world is not a title of glory, on the contrary look at this world and then youll know what ot think of its creator. Therefore the creator cannot be the HIGH GOD because the HIGH GOD would not have possibly dirtied his hands with creating this prison for the soul”. Makes perfect sense. HOw could a perfect GOD create an IMPERFECT world?
Please watch ] William Cooper – Gnostocism [
Whats the point of what you just said. Try thinking about it
instead of reacting instantly, like its a fresh question.
You are a FOOL sorry to say
***its really almost boring** you say LOL…………isnt that special 🙂
therefore all your crapp is just………..crapp
and GOD said **the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.
** Its foolishness with GOD lol
these *other* texts* which? lol
Wheres that picture at 0:37 from?
nice video, it open the eyes a little bit more
How can you believe in one specific religion when there’s other people believing in different religions because of location?
They believe their religion as much as you believe in yours, and you all believe everyone else is going to hell.
@KashmirPirate I’d recommend having a look at the Nag Hammadi scriptures (used in conjunction with Bible and others) or something similar (I’ve just found NH to be the most useful in this area). Perhaps you might be able to get it at a library/they can get it in for you. They are well worth the effort!
I’ve just uploaded something on the concept of the One from the Apocryphon of John, maybe it will be useful to you.
Good luck!
awesome video! thank you princessanniniki
thetdoman take a dep breath
2 think of somebody you like
3 press f10 five times
4 send this to 5 yioutube videos
5 look at your backround
@princessannikki Technically,the original meaning of the word pagan was “peasant”, not civilian. Late came to be associated with civilian, since only nobles could join the army. But bear in mind, some nobles were not military, and they were not “pagan”.
@princessannikki That seems so much more logical, I actually think my parents were more gnostics than anythng although they probably never heard the term. I’m going to start studying it, it makes so much more sence to experience and feel spirituality to gain wisdom rather than just having faith your whole life.
@KashmirPirate there are many different gnostic religions, all with very different ideas, but what ties them together is the belief that you can ‘know’ god through experience, and that it is this personal experience that saves you, rather than just having faith.
@GnosticSage the original meaning of ‘pagan’ was quite literally ‘civilian’ and it went on to mean a person who has not joined the ‘army’ of christianity.
I’m 16 and have just come to discover this ‘gnostic’ belief, I’m very interested in learning more about it. Like for example what are the basic foundational beliefs? I was raised baptist Christian but not in your typical “church going” enviorment.
@Chris44s its the circle of samsara… google it up
has anyone seen the video on youtube Sacraments of Gnostic Church 1
i love u god!!
iam a gnostic and i must say it has brought me so closer to god and jesus.i have all ways been very spiritual but the church fathers did cover up alot of stuff that was meant for people truly seeking god with a true heart.please go to in the bible–numbers21.14—//// 1 kings 11.41—-////1chronicles 29.29—2chronicles9.29,,12.15,,and13.22 and jude1.14////AND THERE ARE TONS MORE.gnostics trust in god they just dont believe trust is how release gods power with a true heart.god is good he is.
This is pretty interesting. I am researching the Golden Dawn and have recently send my form in to join their ranks as a neophyte. (fledgling learner) and am only now seeing all the knowledge that has been covered up for so long. Thank you for this video.
This Satanic deception has enthralled many. The Romans need a substitute for Jesus, a Jew, who many pagans would not follow. Mithra’s was that answer, all they had to do was add a few Jesus details into this Mithra’s fable, and wallah, a progressive religion only a Pagan would love. One that had all the sought after beliefs of the time, while discrediting Jesus; one of Satan’s Great deceptions.
Gnosticism like Mahayana Buddhism deals exclusively with the realization of “that which animates” the corporeal body which is transcendent and immortal. The rest is garbage. Without such a gnosis (in Mahayana bodhicittotpada) one shall ever remain a mere worldling (Skt., prithagjana) hopelessly attached to the flesh, a prisoner of Mara the Evil One.
Also, the pagans who were joining the early church felt that the OT God of the Jews was too harsh. Hence the invention of the doctrine that an evil lesser God created the World and man.
Check your facts agin. Christianity is the fulfillment of the Jewish religion. It has its roots as far back as Genesis chapter three. The teachings of the gnostic mysteries were adapted in order to empower the members of the gnostic movement. They were the scholars and the elites. They refused to accept that the all men had the same opportunity for equal stature under the grace given them by the Heavenly Father. They wanted to earn it, so that it would be theirs.
The New Testament has more Gnostic information in it than do so called books on Gnosticism. Use logic, you will find Jesus was not crucified, Matthew 16:20-21, he said don’t tell. Simon of Cyrene was crucified. He was made to be a look alike, that validates the Qur’an. Jesus said Matthew 24:23, he was not the son of man. I am, the reborn apostle Peter.
Love the picture at 4:15
@MinnesotaNorthStar you know that jesus actually was a jew, a rabbi as well and did not found christianity but something he called nazaretism. all his followers were jews in the beginning and the full christianity bases on the old testament – jewish stuff…
This video is very misleading. You can trace Catholicism to all of this pagan and Jewish crap. True Christianity had nothing to do with any of this. You need to read an article called
That article will open your eyes to some historical fact that you are partially pointing to in this video. You are only giving half of the story. The evil half.