Every moment we experience a new universe in reality?

Question by : Every moment we experience a new universe in reality? Every moment that passes the universe changes, the state of the universe is seemingly altered by time and therefore the present universe is virtually new with each passing perception, this fact leads...

Every moment we experience a new universe in reality?

Question by : Every moment we experience a new universe in reality? Every moment that passes the universe changes, the state of the universe is seemingly altered by time and therefore the present universe is virtually new with each passing perception, this fact leads...

If the universe is consciousness, can it evolve?

Question by The Architect: If the universe is consciousness, can it evolve? If the universe is consciousness (quantum computer), can the way it processes information evolve, such as a change in the fundamental laws of physics? Could the big bang be a prior evolution?...

Q&A: Every moment we experience a new universe in reality?

Question by : Every moment we experience a new universe in reality? Every moment that passes the universe changes, the state of the universe is seemingly altered by time and therefore the present universe is virtually new with each passing perception, this fact leads...
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