is there anything historical left to discover?

Question by J: is there anything historical left to discover? artifacts, treasures, locations, etc. Or are we just left with the mysteries? Best answer: Answer by DerekIf you can fund me to go to Egypt, I’ll let you know in 5 years! Seriously though, the answer...

How can I use both the left and right side of my brain?

Question by Kelvin: How can I use both the left and right side of my brain? What are some simple tasks I can do to train both sides? Best answer: Answer by Miguel LahunkenGoogle “lahunken”. There are physical, ubiquitous, free, ways to turn on as much of...

MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS: LEFT FINGERNAILS: I hate myself enough already without this BITCH making me feel worse,… She’s Not Even A Clinician… She’s A GODDAMNED Worthless SOCIAL-WORKER as far as I can tell…. Why is she inquiring about employment to m

A few nice Mental Health images I found: MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS: LEFT FINGERNAILS: I hate myself enough already without this BITCH making me feel worse,… She’s Not Even A Clinician… She’s A GODDAMNED Worthless SOCIAL-WORKER as far as I can...
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