Q&A: Psychology; is religion a disease of the mind?

by Dougtone Question by David L: Psychology; is religion a disease of the mind? I’m an undergraduate in Pyschology. Religion and the human brain has always intrigue me. What does religion play in the development of personality and character? When some believers...

Batten Disease Awareness – My Hero

Aftermath by Adam Lambert. I love you Matt. I can’t imagine living without you.. No copyright intended…. If you “hate” your family.. please make things right somehow if you can… Something like this could happen to you. it was one in a...

Candida Albicans – The Hidden Disease

Candida Albicans – The Hidden Disease Best Candida Product! Teaches How Candida Relates To Yeast Infection, Fatigue, Psoriasis, Leaky Gut, Arthritis, Adhd, Asthma, Allergies, Autism, Celiac, Depression, Nail Fungus, Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Migraines, Ms,...

Alzheimer’s Disease – My Story

Alzheimer’s Disease – My Story This is a real case study, written by an Alzheimer’s sufferer sharing his hurts, frustration and desperation. This e book brings hope for fellow sufferers.By following the program designed by the author, it shows how to...
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