Q&A: Do you need consciousness to experience the will to live?

by pseudopix Question by Mawkish: Do you need consciousness to experience the will to live? Do you need the will to live to experience consciousness? I am very specifically talking about all life, not just humans or animals. Best answer: Answer by The OneNO. you need...

Where did our consciousness come from?

Question by Jupiter: Where did our consciousness come from? Was consciousness always a part of human life or did we gain it later on through human evolution? Best answer: Answer by DanielI would think we gained it through evolution. Know better? Leave your own answer...

Where is consciousness?

by h.koppdelaney Question by B0X: Where is consciousness? Is consciousness everywhere, and what does that mean? Th@nks! phil> if I were you, I’d still post the good sci-ans. What you got? Give it up!0! Pluto> That’s right!0! Best answer: Answer by Dudeno,...
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