Question by Evil Right Wing Facist: Soothsaying? Does anyone practice this or have this ability or know someone with this ability?
Best answer:
Answer by Jonquill
“Typically, soothsayers include:
Practitioners of divination
Fortune tellers
Shamans ”
So, no. No one can accurately predict the future.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Yes, we all do have precognitive abilities to some extent, though some more than others. I know people who are soothsayers. Many soothsayers are possesed by negative entities, some just have a high spiritual level and so have gained access to realms we could only dream of.
Visit: for more information on soothsaying and sith sense abilities of all kinds. Thank you.
Yes this is practiced still, though it’s now the 21st century – we should have moved on past this stuff by now.
If everyone in the world, described what happens next, some of them will be right. Repeat with the correct guessers. Some of them will be right twice. = soothsayer, but really just random intelligent estimates of likely outcomes.
This ability is a spiritual gift only given by God.
there is a certain insight that some have,but its not always a blessing,to know what will or can happen..i only know what i know and see,don’t know about others..
In very sooth, I know not.