Question by Good Intentions: What Exactly is Neuroscience and Research Psychology?
I want to study why people act a certain and think a certain way to situations and questions.
I looked up Neuroscience and it talked about ‘memory’? I thought it was about the brain and basically what i said, but then… I heard about Research Psychology. Which is the same thing as Neuroscience.

What is the difference between them and which one is closer to what I want to study.
THANKS!!! =)
I didn’t mean to put it in the wrong catergory… if it is.

Best answer:

Answer by Unknown
Psychology has a lot to do with the nervous system. The input to the brain and the way the neurons and cells act in the brain contributes a major amount to what we call psychology. When you consider things like optical illusions, altered states, and dream cycles, then you are considering some of the topics in psychology that all have a basis in our nervous system. Neuroscience is the overall study of the nervous system and it’s roll.

Research Psychology is studying the actions and decisions of test subjects. It would more or less employ the way that people think or act rather than disclose why the particular thoughts or actions.

When you want to know WHY people think or act the way they do, the answer is very complex. There is no simple way or method of knowing. You can’t simply say that people will be predictable; some studies can show certain things that people normally do according to emotion or stimuli, but it’s not something that’s nailed down to you being able to learn/study the things that people will do or think.

Studying both of those things would bring you a lot closer to your answer.

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