Question by aero1676: Mystic Tan or no tan?
If you are a guy, do you do the spray on tanning or just go to a tanning bed? I usually go to a tanning bed but am considering the Mystic Tan for better health. The smell is kinda gross but so is the tanning bed smell. Comments anyone please.
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Answer by shaggysgirl18
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guys should sit in the sun like everyone else whos not rich plus ive been scared to go to the tanning beds ever since i saw final destination 3.
i reccomend a hand held airbrush tan. i perform this service in a spa. it’s tan, not orange like mystic and not drippy. exfoliate first and don’t moisturize till after.
Mystic tans aren’t a bad idea if you’re just looking for a quick tan. They last for about 7 days and there are 3 different settings: 1 – 3 (3 being the darkest). A lot of times they include a bronzer in the spray on tan so that you come out of the booth looking tan. I don’t recommend that (just ask them to turn that feature off). While you are supposed to wipe down a bit, it still ends up getting on your closthes. You’re not supposed to shower for 3 hours, so be prepared to feel a little sticky for a bit…kind of like coming off the beach with suntan lotion on your body 🙂 Anyway, happy tanning!
Female here. However, I’ve done both. There’s good & bad to both, However ~ The spray eventually wears off & I didn’t like the look. Stick with the tanning bed. If your worried about the safety of it. Just don’t do it that often. The older you get with the tanning bed your skin starts to look like leather.
BUT!!! If you don’t tan often, like myself, I haven’t tanned in 2 years. You get terriable burned after only a couple of hours & I usually get sick when I’m burned. To prevent this, I’ve decided that I’m going to tan at one of those tanning bed places that has a coupon for 30 day in the early spring to get my skin ready for summer so I don’t suffer. My son who is very pale & burns very easily, I’m going to have him do this too. Also as you age your skin loses (something???) & you burn easily anyway.
Mystic tanning holds the same metals that deodorant does, and is extremely bad for your body. As with deodorant, the only place for the metal to go, once it is in your blood stream, is to the brain. At least when you are applying deodorant, it is not applied to your entire body.
Try stand-up tanning units. You are only exposed to the U.V. rays for approx 7-10 min, and you get the best tan for your buck. Its the same as tanning outside (just as dangerous) so, if you want a tan, any way is unsafe. Its just a decision between brain tumors (spray tanning) or skin cancer (lay down and stand up beds). As long as your not burning though, you are reducing your chances of skin cancer. So make sure if you do tan, don’t go in for too long the first few times.