by ~Duncan~
Question by indithought: Is Jesus just a plagiarized version of the ancient mystery religions?
Such as Horrus and Dionysis among others.
For example Dionysis rode a donkey while people threw palm fronds in front of his path.
For reference a book titled the Jesus Mysteriers
oops mysteries
Best answer:
Answer by dinodino
What do you think? Answer below!
Yes. and that example is just the tip of the iceberg.
Give the girl a ribbon!
haha. Was riding a donkey ever copy righted? haha. XP
The story smacks of the ancient agricultural myths involving the death of the seed yeilding the crop.
Yep. They took the best from all the prior religions and made a super religion. One which withstood the test of time to such an extent that its adherents deny science on its merits.
Did you see Zeitgeist?
If you haven’t, you’d find it interesting.
Yes thats the way its beginning to sound
Of course.
There may be coincidental similarities – but the fundamental theology is universally different.
maybe, but it is still a great compilation of morals and it still made itself into one of the greatest religions of this time.
maybe said religions speak of the same entity?
Yup. Many others too. 🙂
Its NOT about Islam, it just comes from that site.
Basically, yes.
You REALLY should learn the story of Horus(one r) because the only thing common is a virgin birth!
Uhh…Dionysus was a “god”…not a person who rode a donkey…wtf are you talking about…
I definitely could not find anything about him riding a donkey…
Can you give a link to the story?
Eventually enough time will pass jesus will be forgotten and new religions will be plagarised over christianity.
No, there’s non christian evidence of the man Jesus and his followers “Christians”.
Most well educated atheists know this.
We have evidence from Tacitus, Pliney the Youger and Josephus.
One must decide, was he a nut, a liar, or was he who he claimed to be?
no .. Christians can be traced right back 2000 years ago to when it happened .. people wouldnt have bought it if the events didnt occur .. did any of these other gods become a man and walk among men … not … ALL of the writers in the new testament were witnesses .. it wasnt just some poet named homer writing a book …
it appears so …
Well duh…
What took you so long?
‘Nuff said.
hmm…interesting thought…one thing to consider is that the there were at least 4 different people that wrote about Jesus independently from different locations..they all had different eye-witness accounts, yet, remarkably they were very but not identical..that is important because they were not simple copies..
Some other things to consider is that there were non-Christian writers, such as, Josephus (who was Jewisth) that also talked about the main facts of Jesus – eg. he was a Jew, raised from the dead, did miracles, etc…so, you can say that Christians would have every motivation to propagate a lie, but why would a non-Christian historian?
Also, there is also plenty of evidence to suggest – even in India – that 11 of 12 of Jesus’ disciples all died for their would seem a bit odd that all of them lived throughout the world preaching the “good news” all this time if they knew deep down that the whole thing was a lie..if they did, I would say this would be the greatest conspiracy ever since now more people follow Jesus more than any other faith in the world…
another thing to consider is these “myth” telling common Jews must have known a lot about these other religions to pick bits and pieces to create their own stories of Jesus…I don’t think google or wikipedia was around back then, so I’m not sure how they would be able to learn so much about another faith when most didn’t know too much about their own…
I sense that plagiarism (not that I would know or not that anything is wrong with that) would take a great deal of effort and time…Living here in MA near the fishing boats, I have a hard time seeing how these fisherman (with the benefits of technology) taking the time to “make up” a religion based on religion not their would like me (as a Christian) making up a story and putting Jesus in the middle of a great fight between two factions stopping the fight and telling them why he came down as an avatar from God and give the teaching from the Gita. not sure how a simple fisherman would know to do something like that or have the time and imagination to do it…Krishna probably wouldn’t be happy either
just a thought
For the most part.
No, that would be Roman Catholicism. The religion of Yashua was totally different from what you see in professing christianity today.
If you understood ancient Hebrew culture and tradition as well as the Old Testament you would understand that many of the fulfilled prophecies pertaining to Christ and the things He did were in essence causing people to see how ridiculous worship of these pagan gods were. Just like with Moses and the plagues…those plagues were directly related to various gods that the Egyptians worshipped. The very cross that Jesus was hung on was pagan, the crown of thorns, the fact that He was born in a manger (lambing pens at the base of the Shepards tower) and came from Nazerath after being born in Bethlehem, turning water into wine at the wedding feast of Cana, the slaughter of the innocents and etc. The manner in which Jesus entered the City of Jerusalem is traditionally the way in which the Passover Lamb would be brought in from the lambing shed after being carefully groomed and prepared to be taken to the temple. They were repeating a traditional chant that proclaimed the promise of the coming Messiah but they did not recognize this “person”…right after that He went into the temple and chased away all the money changers thereby sealing His fate as He orchestrated events that would lead to His subsequent arrest and crucifiction. Everything Jesus did was done with intention and planning and foreknowledge. The Romans, the Herodians, the Jewish Sanhedrin weren’t exactly jazzed about His being in Jerusalem during this Passover high Sabbath. Love in Christ, ~J~
No, and I would question the validity of a book that would try to say that Jesus was anything like Horus.
The only thing that Jesus and Horus (that is, Horus Son of Isis, not Horus the Child or Horus the Elder) have in common is a miraculous birth; however, Isis was NOT a virgin.
Horus WAS resurrected, that’s true, but it occurred daily, with the rising of the sun.
Ancient religions which used the concept of the “dying and rising gods” always had their “gods” either resurrected daily with the rising of the sun, or every spring. It was more of a “birth and rebirth” thing, than a “dying and resurrecting” thing though.
And there are MANY other differences as well. If you study the ancient myths, you’ll find that they were never meant to be taken literally, nor do they give any timetable for the events they recorded. And NOWHERE, do ANY of the myths say that the writers saw these things happen.
Those myths were simply an attempt to explain things that were far beyond their grasp. Nothing more, nothing less.