Question by : In The Nature of Our Reality?

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.” – Albert Einstein

“Look deep in to nature and then you will understand everything better.” – Albert Einstein

This theory is completely delineated as the main concept in my book.

This theory has been written to open our minds to potential possibilities in the nature of our realities.

Quantum Physics describes that our minds have the potential to be much greater than any of us could have ever imagined. They say that at the deepest level of consciousness, consciousness can create universes.

Now if each and every one of us deep down inside contains the potential of these abilities with our mind and hearts where with a thought anything is possible, then that means we were obviously meant to live for so much more. As you grow and learn you will adapt using different levels of percentages of your brain. This is achieved through opened eyes, a heightened sense of things, and of course a deeper understanding of love.

In this theory, everything at the smallest level of reality (a sub atomic level or the Plank Scale) (1.616252×10−35 m)) exists as an energy, an energy that flows in a wave pattern powered by different level of vibrations. These vibrations can be altered and effected by the process of a thought which would be governed by human consciousness. This energy is the (God Particle) or the higher intelligence that is known to maintain and control the events of the entire universe. This energy is love.

Nature, human thoughts, healing, our heartbeat, everything that exists and works as perfectly as it does is existing because of this energy or higher power. It is quite plausible that this energy has a conscious and living intelligence. Anything and everything that happens at a subatomic level cannot be quantifiable by any kind of mathematical means. We can only conclude certain probabilities out of different possibilities that are occurring at such a level. In this theory, our minds can actually affect the vibrational frequency at that level and change in whichever way we please.

Alternate dimensions exist in this theory but only at a sub atomic level and they are used for creating complex forms of matter and or life. Whereas the current dimension we all live and are forever more familiar with would still be the necessary place to co-exist and live.

Also within this theory, we can use 100% of our minds again by enduring a deeper understanding of universal love. Love is the strongest thing our natural beings can create. Through a pure and natural true love which we would acquire once re-adapting ourselves in a pure and natural environment and strongly connecting to our significant other, we would achieve an alternate understanding of reality and in theory connect to the quantum field.

Simply put, this signifies that love (an essence which ceases to exist in space and time) is the path to our Nirvana and or deeper level of our consciousness. Within this divine and perfect true love, we would constantly endure what is known as the “Feel Good Effect”. At a deeper level of consciousness eating could potentially be unnatural. We would obtain the ability to control the tiny bits of matter (Quarks) and instead of letting them constantly disappear and reappear out of our physical reality, stabilize their current being, and ravel them up into tiny balls of matter which could potentially form into different nutrients appropriate for the human body.

At a deeper level of consciousness we may also never age. Aging could also be unnatural. It could only exist because we believe it to. In the nature of reality, our bodies which are going to be governed by a deeper level of consciousness may never experience the sense of aging at all. At this point, the constant fluctuation and coalescence of love may regularly change and replenish our body’s cells for an amaranthine amount of time.

Time would be another illusionary construct only placed upon our perceptions for continual and destructive means. In the nature of our realities, time wouldn’t exist. If time doesn’t exist then all that we perceive as reality may drastically change. There wouldn’t be any means of a need for survival as the entire planet may live in an immense intent of harmony that is constantly changing, learning, and adapting so life can continually replenish itself in an everlasting pure and natural energy.

Again this theory has been written to open our minds to potential possibilities in the nature of our reality.

Love is way more powerful than lust.

Best answer:

Answer by Pushpa Selvam
I think, It is Better to Understand and its takes time to Follow, We have to TRY.
Thanks, Eric.For Your Kind and Better Scientific Information. It is Better for You to give some Good Details about Our Life and to Live this Life,in any Situation.

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