Question by Silhouette: Can someone educate me a bit about Consciousness/Quantum Physics etc.?
I have recently been enticed by my uncle’s long explanations about the intriguing and complex world of Quantum Theory and the existence of one consciousness, but it’s so much to take in at once and often too hard to understand when I research it online.
Any insight on the subject would be much appreciated! (:
Best answer:
Answer by i ♥ hershey ♥
i myself haven’t a clue – but seems to break things down to a level even i can understand ♦
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
its a theory about time. i believe the theory is that time doesnt exist because everything in the universe is energy. and even though things die, the energy that made them up still exists just in a different form. so when someone dies even though they no longer exist in human form, they are burried and the energy that made them up still exists, but in a different form.
It has to do with quantum entanglement.
If you have two electrons and you put them in coherence (vibrating at the same frequency) and you send them in opposite directions, because they are in coherence they are connected by a wave called a Schrodinger wave. So if one is changed the other is changed instantaneously and even if you are observing only one of them you know (have the information instantaneously) that the other one has changed, even if they are light years apart. What happens to one automatically has an effect on the other one. The knowledge of the change happens faster than the speed of light. The nanosecond one changes you are aware that the other one has changed no matter how far away it is.
So in the same way it means that what happens to us affects things in the universe as our wave functions were probably entangled when time began. Einstein called this entanglement, “spooky-action-at-a-distance”. I think what your uncle might be saying (even though it sounds sort of warm, fuzzy, and New Agey) is that in a sense we really are all connected. If we are all connected in some sense (although remember,we have to be in coherence with one another first so there might be some wiggle room there for being on the same wavelength with some people and not with others, I don’t know) then perhaps there really is a collective consciousness.
Collective consciousness isn’t too far off from racial memory. Racial memory is memory stored in our genes from our ancestors. But that’s another theory to ponder.
So even though this has been the really short version I hope it helped.
I am no expert but I think it may be to do with the brains timeline; in that the brain may alter conscious experience based on information recieved in sequence.
The example I can give is that a person is shown a red light on the right and then a green light on the left in quick succession. People recalled seeing a red light move and change colour to green even though this is not what happened.
SO therefore the brain filled in this false information based on the second light thus suggesting that the timeline of conscious experience is not necesarily consistent.
Hope this helps.
Please read this excellent, concise book:
The Conscious Universe: Parts and Wholes in Physical Reality
It explains the physics in understandable terms (no equations) and offers some hypotheses about the possibility that the universe itself is conscious.