The caterpillar was very happy to inch its way up the tree that had always been it’s home. It felt comfortable and secure creeping along the rough bark of the big tree that sheltered it’s existence.
Everyday, long before dawn, the caterpillar began its journey from the roots of the tree to the thin top branches, the place where it would find the tender leaf shoots that made up it’s diet.
At the top of the tree, it would meet it’s fellow caterpillars, all engaged in their main occupation: to eat and grow.
In mid-afternoon, now filled with its share of juicy leaves, the caterpillar began its long haul back to it’s dwelling, at the foot of the tree, very close to the roots.
And so, day after day, the caterpillar repeated the same routine, together with dozens of other ones that lived on the same tree, along with the hundreds that resided on nearby trees, same as the thousands —hundreds of thousands, even millions— that existed in the other forests of the world.
One day, without any previous notice, the caterpillar felt that something was changing in it’s body. Something deep inside compelled it to find a firm branch and to hold on very tight. As it did this, a thin but very strong coating began to enclose it.
As this was totally unexpected, the caterpillar was very frightened. Still, squirm as it would, it could not disengage itself from it’s new wrapping.
Once it was totally immobilized, the caterpillar asked itself, “What could be happening to me? What could I have done to deserve this torture? Will I die of hunger? I’m so scared!”
After some time, constantly worrying about how it would surely die if it did not eat soon, the caterpillar’s confinement ended and the hard shell cracked. Gradually, it freed each of it’s parts, unfolding and slowly flexing them.
As soon as it could, it started to climb up the tree, in order to reach the leaves that would mitigate it’s hunger. But when it tried to use it’s two rows of uncountable legs, it noticed that it didn’t have them any more. They had been replaced by six long and delicate legs, and that it now also had four beautiful wings!
Nothing had prepared the caterpillar for such a shocking change! No one had told it that after a certain time, there would come a new, more magnificent and beautiful existence!
And so, our little caterpillar, now reborn as a majestic butterfly, displayed its true self. It’s life as a caterpillar had only been a preamble to it’s true form: that of an elegant and colorful butterfly, capable of flying to places that the caterpillar could not even dream of!
Something similar happens to us humans. After a long period of routine and maybe boring personal experiences —our “caterpillar” years— there comes a time of change. An adjustment fueled by an inner urge that strives to transform your passive and monotonous life into a more creative and satisfying existence. This is the metamorphosis that will direct you toward your particular Purpose in Life, your Specific Function. All you have to do is listen to the calling of your Higher Self and have the patience to allow the changes to happen. Of course, it would help to know your Specific Function in beforehand, so it won’t come as a total surprise.
Unlike the caterpillar, you have someone who can forewarn you of the change that will also overtake your life, a change that happens to everyone around their 40th birthday. It has been called, among other things, the Middle-Age Crisis, a time when you will be called to seriously assume your Purpose in Life.
See, you have just been informed.
If you’d like to know more about your Purpose in Life, visit and make use of the free resources you’ll find there. They will surely help you improve your life.
Frank Desmedt
Ingeniero Informática, dedicado desde hace mucho al desarrollo de la Astrónica. A Computer Science Engineer now developing and making use of Astronica.
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