Question by BCF: Is Mind Uploading possible if our consciousness is just our brain. And does Mind Uploading defy physics?
Best answer:
Answer by Teeny
no, coordinates fine
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Question by BCF: Is Mind Uploading possible if our consciousness is just our brain. And does Mind Uploading defy physics?
Best answer:
Answer by Teeny
no, coordinates fine
What do you think? Answer below!
Our consciousness is not our brain. It’s just the name for one aspect of the operation of the brain. Mind uploading is no more conceivable than uploading Chicago. The ‘customization’ of an individual brain involves structural changes: new neural connections, and changing neural pathways.
Theoretically if we had a computer that was powerful enough it would be possible to upload our consciousness. Mind uploading would not defy the laws of physics because there is no part of the brain that defies the laws of physics.
Get it.
I suspect in the future, quantum computers will become a reality – and the theoretical potential of these computers will dwarf the vast potential of our brain.
In my opinion, whether or not we will be able to upload someones consciousness into one depends on our ability to access the consciousness in the same operating parameters that take place in the brain.
But I would not dismiss this based on the incredible leaps in the recent decades that computers have advanced – and they’re still only performing one task at a time, albeit astonishingly fast, but still only reading zeros and ones, one bit at a time. Quantum computers will change all of this – performing numerous tasks simultaneously.
It’s probably not a wise mind set to dismiss anything in the future that doesn’t violate valid physical laws.
If our brains don’t defy physics, then neither would uploaded minds.
set coordinates to Andromeda
Mind uploading is not currently even close to possible. It cannot be argued,given the current understanding of the brain, however, that it is or is not theoretically possible to “upload” data into ones mind.
I find the idea theoretically possible, simply because the process of encountering and perceiving stimuli is a sort of mind uploading. The world smacks us constantly with data, and the brain stores some of it in our memory. We remember what we heard, see, or smell…one must make a distinction between this concept of “mind uploading” and every day life before we continue, namely,
1) whether mind uploading requires that the brain receives and stores ALL of the information being delivered (contrasting regular perception in that we typically “miss” most of the stimuli that we encounter in the world)
2) whether “uploading” occurs faster than regular perception, i.e. information is recorded by the brain via this method faster than possible without such technology.
Without these distinctions, I don’t see why going to the movies can’t be considered a form of mind uploading – the director wanted us to see this in our minds eye, and of course, when we go to the show, we do.