Question by Shiraz the Good: Is all the negative Republican news something Dems are just conjuring up?
Best answer:
Answer by max_sterling003
Thats not exactly accurate but close. Heres a cookie.
What do you think? Answer below!
Question by Shiraz the Good: Is all the negative Republican news something Dems are just conjuring up?
Best answer:
Answer by max_sterling003
Thats not exactly accurate but close. Heres a cookie.
What do you think? Answer below!
I think that they are conjuring up
Nope. The republicans can take all of the credit.
Do you mean with their demonic pacts and bubbling cauldrons? No. I hope my answer was helpful.
First of all I am Rep. I am sure it has some merit, however I am also sure the whole story is not being told also. The Dems and the Reps both will just pull a sentace out here and another there just to try and make their counterpart look bad. We do it every day. Everyone does….pick and choose what parts of stories you want to tell. Usually the part that better defends your point of view or your chance of gaining more support than the other guy. Welcome to politics at its best. We have to learn to research what we hear and not beleive something just because a member of our party said it. You have to check things out, for example if you hear that a person voted for every tax increase…you need to check out the persons voting record….its right there….and you will probly find that it was not “every” increase…..but some….just do some research.
yes and no some just mess up and it just bad timing!
no, no, republicans cause enough problems on their own, they don’t need anyone’s help with that
Recently the local bureau Chief of the Associated Press spoke at a function I attended. She intoned that while the media is technically unbiased, they have to compete for numbers. Further she has indicated an aggressive marketing strategy targeting 18-30 year olds to bring up subscription rates to printed media. Given that news of a sensationalistic value always sells and news of importance but possesses no sensationalism tanks, it is safe to say that the media will always give priority coverage to the news that generates cash.
In synopsis, you cannot have both an unbiased media and a media involved in a marketing strategy. They contradict each other. Biased media has been used in the US since the Federalist Papers and earlier. The decision about which media to support rests with the reader and their values and opinions. For example, when I travel i always receive a free copy of the USA Today. This paper is the equivalent of news for morons in its writing style, accuracy and technical merit. I use it to clean my shoes.
On the other hand, papers such as the ones published in Calgary, AB, CA; Kansas City and smaller regional markets such as Omaha, Wichita, Richmond, VA or like communities offer a better overview of local news. Large circulation papers remain successful because they know their demographic and pander the news to keeping their circulation high.
It is not without coincidence however that most university liberal arts journalism programs are left leaning. We have a saying in the business world “If you can’t do it, teach it.” Thusly, most media professors aren’t successful journalists but successful profs who have an agenda they can easily impart upon malleable youth. This carries over into the media as a left leaning bias unless managed by an independent based media company.
The polls are cooked.
Polls of major organizations this year include a higher percentage of Democrats than in prior years. Why? To skew the results.
You mean be polling far more democrats than republicans? If you take a poll of 1000 persons 650 democrats 350 republicans how well do you think the republicans will do? The republicans are doing poorly in the polls because the pool takers want them too.
Let’s just say they are emphasizing and adding their biased opinions.
Jim above is correct I think. Jeez Shiraz, are you coming around?