Question by AS: If you placed Mystics from all the great religous traditions in the same room?
Would there be silence and there would be nothing to disagree about?
Please share your insights on Mysticism be they Christian, Jewish, Islamic or other.
“God enters into you with all that is his, as far as you have stripped yourself of yourself in all things. It is here that you should begin, whatever the cost, for it is here that you will find true peace, and nowhere else.”
Meister Eckhar -Talks of Instruction
Best answer:
Answer by Zimmia
Honestly I think you’re probably on to something. As a mystic myself, I tend to have a larger view of spirituality and religion than those who are taught doctrine and don’t explore on their own.
I think there would be disagreement, but I don’t think it would be anywhere near as violent a confrontation as we can see here on these boards, for example.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Truth, other religions and mysticism
Mystics of Abrogated Faiths
What has just been said of the followers of different faiths is even more patent in their mystics. Despite the abrogation of their religions, we do not doubt the possibility of mystics of other faiths reaching a higher spiritual plane, for when the lower soul is negated and sublimated by spiritual disciplines, the powers of the higher soul seldom fail to appear, and it is not impossible that in such a condition it might behold Ultimate Reality, which is, after all, as real and objective as Detroit or anything else in the physical world.
But what a difference between the few hundred Jewish, Christian, or even American Indian mystics of the Western tradition who left any record of their experiences—men and women such as Catherine of Siena, Mechthild of Magdeburg, Francis of Assisi, Moses Cordovero, Meister Eckhart, Teresa of Avila, John Tauler, Henry Suso, Jakob Böhme, Handsome Lake, Isaac Luria, Julian of Norwich, John of the Cross—and the literally thousands of Sufi masters of the Islamic tradition who founded the great mystical orders, had immense influence for centuries at all levels of society, produced an unparalleled and monumental body of mystic literature in poetry and prose, and left countless adepts in the beatitude of the Divine Presence, a living tradition that continues to this day. What other religion has ever seen a Mathnawi like Rumi’s? There is a tremendous difference between a few outstanding spiritual personalities that appeared at times and places in the West, like occasional watering places scattered across a hinterland, and the throngs of mystics of the Islamic milieu, on a sea of the Divine whose tides flooded regularly.
Not only in the numbers of contemplatives, but in the abidingness of their personal experiences, there is a great difference between the mystics of Islam, who proceeded from the light of true monotheism to a state of perpetual illumination, men such as Sahl al-Tustari, al-Ghawth Abu Madyan, Shams al-Tabrizi, Ibn ‘Arabi, Abul Hasan al-Shadhili, and others whose testimony is unambiguous, and those of other faiths, who through self-mortification caught momentary glimpses of the Godhead in “experiences” they then translated to others in spiritual depositions.
Finally, there is vast difference between someone who experiences the One and knows it as such at all levels of his being—body, mind, and soul—and someone who discerns the One through a miasma of priestly dogma. Where Ibn al-Farid saw “clearness without water, gentleness without breeze, light without fire, and soul without body,” Ignatius Loyola saw “the most Holy Trinity, as it were, in the likeness of a triple plectrum or of three spinet keys.” The former was freed from the shadows of his own finitude by the sun of pure Being, while the latter’s mystic insight remained indelibly colored by received doctrine. The distinction between form and content avails nothing here, and what should rather be said is that even an object of numinous knowledge can be refracted through the prism of a sufficiently insidious interpretation. “The color of the water,” as Junayd once said of those who know Allah, “is the color of its vessel.”
The veracity of the revelation that one follows is a necessary condition for genuine knowledge of the Divine. East is not farther from West than someone who returns from encountering Allah, lost forever to anyone or anything besides, is from someone who returns from a state of unitive vision to worship another human being. The two are not alike. For most mystics in a sense return, if profoundly changed, to where they began. The Sufis of Islam proceeded from unconditional monotheism to the One whom they found at every level of their being at the end of the path; whereas mystics of other faiths had to begin with a heroic struggle to rise above the historical accretions of their faiths—the man-worship of Christianity, the anthropomorphism of Judaism, the pantheon of Hinduism, the nature-worship of shamanism, or the atheism of Buddhism—that each had to return to, at least in principle and personal narrative, after their experiences.
many different rivers all lead to one ocean
I think they would hug each other and chat about totally other things than religion/spirituality….
I like your question very much. I was a mystic in the past or might I say one of those tongue speaking hand clapping Christian, running after the likes of those who say they can heal other people, but only to steal all our money in a high emotionally charged meeting.
Christians are really like mystics because they have made God a liar and mock Him every time they gather together.
They are in God’s eyes no different to the many different religions in this world.
I realised this just in time and have now been truly born again by the water and the Spirit. Only now am I able to discern the state of anyone’s heart by just listening to them. Before this was not possible but now it is as if I see the thing which is hidden. Therefore everyone should now become truly born again before it is too late.
I’ve seen them communicating in peace and respecting and loving each other, but, funny enough, they still disagree.
I personally saw a Christian and a Buddhist supposedly channeling and, although it seemed that was the same experience, they strongly disagreed about what kind of spirit could be “channeled” – the Christian said the only one possible was the Holy Ghost, the Buddhist strongly (as much as that is possible with a Buddhist) disagreed.
We all might learn something.
Nice. I agree with what that Blob said.
When humans come to realizes that, “God is within man & man is within God.” we would be Mystics one and all!
The world of that which is “veiled” or “unseen” is laid open when this transcendence takes place.
Even as we speak, the Prophets of God are sitting around a large round table all in a state of “Unity”, discussing why man is still in a state of ignorance after God has sent 124,000 Prophets to show them the roadmap that will take them “Home”!
“Peace be always with you.”
Mystics dont have the answer they are still searching
so all mystics together is a big seach team for truth and God.
to convert to true Judaism is to believe the Jewish Scriptures of and in the Messiah, or else follow the changed religion that rejects Jesus as our Jewish Messiah. Leaving us with no atonement for sins.
Isnt it strange most Jewish people say Jesus was a good man -and from the world celebrating a Jewish persons birthday it should be great celebration for all Jewish people.
happy day! 🙂 ღ♥ღ♥~… Smile ~JOY in Jesus the Messiah with good wishes and prayers.
happy birthday to JESUS the prince of peace!~”Unto the Jewish people will be born a child, a son is given, and he will be the mighty God, the prince of peace/salam.” Isaiah 9:6 chapter 9 in the bible verse 6~
I am never alone now, with Jesus in my heart I am fine peace & joy in heart! Jesus is PREDICTED TO BE the sinless Messiah, gone to heaven and coming back IN BODY to rule the earth. Why do SOME people not believe Jesus & celebrate his birthday like Jewish and Muslims who reject the Jesus of the Bible and make another Jesus? He came TO ISRAEL FOR THE WORLD. Born to his virgin mother. Mary/Mariam. She said, “Behold my savior and my God.” Jesus taught love and forgiveness for all mankind, & to share his gospel of His salvation.
Promised in the Jewish bible scriptures=
“A virgin will have a miracle/sign and concieve and bring forth God with us.” (emanuel in Hebrew) Isaiah 7:14. No one else ever claim to be sinless, born of a virgin, or to be sacrificed for our sins, or to be the Messiah.
“He will be rejected, & we will hide our faces from him, and he will lay down His life, to make forgiveness for our sins.” Isaiah 53
I read the Bible Scriptures every day, as Jesus says we are to do, daily bread for the soul.
Jesus is faithful!
“Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” The Bible Romans 10:17
Jesus had no sin, and fulfilled the law for us, he became our promised blood sacrifice for our sins,
Even for Adam and Eve= God rejected Adam & Eve’s leafs they used to cover their public nakedness, & clothed Adam and Eve with a blood sacrifice and the animal skins to cover them, thus shedding sinless blood after their sin=Genesis 3.
As promised that the Messiah would do once for all in crushing the head of satan=Genesis 3:15,
Moses thus says the Lord, “The life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to make atonement/ forgiveness for your sins.” “Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.” Leviticus 17:11
Jesus is perfect &died for us=movie the Passion of Christ. If we do one sin we can not earn/deserve heaven as Jesus did unless we never did one sin. If we tell one lie we are a sinner, till we get saved=Jesus into our heart to take away our sin.
The Messiah Jesus tells us to let him into our heart today=
Revelation 1:1& 3:19&20 Jesus says “I love you, and ask you to repent, even from one lie and turn to me quickly. Behold I am at your heart door, ask me in to help you and be your friend, and I will come in.”
SO I PRAYED= “Jesus thank you that you love me, I am sorry for my sins. Thanks that you died to forgive my sins. Come into my heart to help me, and be my friend, amen.”
After years of mysticism, Now I have Jesus in my heart as my best friend, and I wish happy for you too.
I believe truly enlightened mystics would seek out the common factors in their fellow mystics of different religions and embrace them. I also believe that mystics have a great sense of humor and love the challenge of a good repartee with each other such as those known between Ram Dass and Chogyam Trungpa.