Question by Sweater Kitteh: if people are conjuring up all this proof, why not impeach the sucker?
people OBVIOUSLY want Obama out, they are starting these rumors and lies, and how much they want him out.
Why not go for the gold, and have a petition to have him impeached?
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I wondered the same thing about those that hate/hated President Bush.
According to libs, he lied, stole money and oil, murdered people, etc.
What do you think? Answer below!
Why couldn’t the republicans nominate someone better than a hot headed old guy and a ditsy women? Then we wouldn’t be in this mess.
They don’t have any REAL proof.
Czars and taking over companies IS unconstitutional… So yes, i’d impeach him…
I’ll start one today, would you like to be the first to sign…
because that would require taking action. americans are to lazy for that. ala – universal health care… or in other words, take care of me because i’m too lazy or incompetent to. ala – social security… or in other words, take care of me because i’m too lazy or incompetent to. ala – unemployment… or in other words, take care of me because i’m too lazy or incompetent to prepare myself for potential joblessness… etc… americans taking action to do anything for themselves these days is like finding a unicorn… impossible. americans have become fat, lazy, whiny wastes of life expecting everyone to do for them… simply because they are americans, and never doing anything worth a shit for themselves. fucking pathetic.
muslims don’t get offended i was using your lord’s name… different context…
<- sex my face
He hasn’t committed any high crimes or misdemeanors that we know about. People who don’t like him are just railing about him. So far it’s nothing like the eight year temper tantrum the spoiled and sheltered ivory tower elite threw over Bush. He spoiled their fairy tale world by shoving their faces into the real one.
If they had any proof, or even evidence that Obama had commited any crimes they might.
I shudder to think that we live in a nation where truth fails to impeach a criminal, but lies can impeach an honest man.
Does “Lame Duck” ring any bells?
There’s no one in congress actually believes these fabrications. They just don’t want to upset the rednecks by saying so.
because, in reality, the accusations are false, and these people are just conservatives that are still butt hurt over losing the election. they know they can’t do anything about it, they’re just making a big stink because they’re stuck with a (gods forbid) democrat for the next 3 and a half years.
Now that congress has signed a bill acknowledging that Obama was in fact born in the USA, I don’t see that happening any time soon.
Because even as dumb as they are, they know they can’t pull it off. Hopefully, they believe that he will fall on his face without their help. I hope the latter is true. He would then have a chance to straighten out the mess the little banty rooster left behind. You know what birds leave behind!
Let’s see..
much of the “information” that they call law, comes from a Russian born dentist with a mail order law degree. And a website with a paypal button.
Oh, and sure.. that is how the legal process of impeachment works.. a petition. Online, while we are at it.
*rolls eyes*
I like your way of thinking. Start one of those on line petitions and post a link to hit here to get things rolling. I am 100% on board.
Sadly, impeachment doesn’t mean leaving office, there is a misunderstanding. Clinton was impeached, don’t forget, and he finished his term. I believe his right to practice law was removed. Big deal, how many formers presidents are out there practicing law that we all know? Pointless.
i swear he might get impeached because he might not be a citizen. but i highly doubt that. i just heard it
**Shakes head**
What have we come to
I guess even Rome had to fall
They should all petition the Republican party!!
Proud Republican, conservative, right-wing, God-fearing Republicans:
Send your letters right now to the RNC,
urging impeachment of Obama!!
The Republican National Committee
310 First Street
Washington, D.C. 20003
should be informed of this at once!!!
Here’s their phone number:
p/202.863.8500 | f/202.863.8820
I suggest that they phone them
I’m sure they would appreciate it.
Don’t delay!!
Republicans, it is your patriotic duty!!!
The lines of the issue of race have been redefined. There is no color issue any more, thank some politically correct god or lack there of.
The new line are basically this. You Either work for the state, you work for the welfare, Then there is the person who is in the screwed category, those who work.
This is not an unknown concept. What about America makes it so blind to the obvious. We have folded up and hid under our roofs for so long, we no longer know how to unite and stand together. We hardly have the time to say hello to our neighbor and we live under an obvious tyranny.
This country was founded on principle and ideas we no longer know how to uphold. The government is in control and the workers are worked to the point of weakness.
We need a leader with a heart. We need a leader who truly has seen the bottom and logically knows how to climb out. The current administration has no idea what they are doing to include most of the system. No ideal is sacred. There is no senator who accurately listens or believes the incredible stories of despair that the workers are all beginning to share. We cannot support our children.
May your politically correct god, or lack there of smile upon you with renewed hope. If you have no god. may you smile upon yourself.
You start it , and send it to me, Me and about eveybody I know will sign it