Question by Thuystar: I enjoy science [physics, bio, chem, you name it] and mathematics, so what should I study in university?
I can’t think of any career that I would enjoy. I’ve contemplated engineering but im not really keen on it anymore.
Best answer:
Answer by Castle
Study medicine if you like science. Highly paid jobs in medicine eg doctors and dentists
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In my opinion, you could go into the medical field with your love for those subjects….this field needs many people to handle all that has to do with health. People are living longer, so that causes a big need. Also many people are retiring and that makes many openings for others to fill. There will be a need for many medical jobs to name a few: lab technicians, doctors, nurses, x-ray techs just about every job there is in the health field is needed. Good luck in whatever you decide. You will be appreciated that is for sure plus going home knowing you are doing something for mankind.
You just don’t KNOW what a bright light you are… with all these grunge wearing deadbeats in your generation… it’s wonderful to find someone that wants to be a success.
If you have any idea what university you want to go to, then contact the Dean of Students at that University and have him/her refer you to their counselors. that way you can get the EXACT requirements for any course you would be interested in and make REAL plans for your future.
Asking a question like this on Answers just won’t cut it… would you want to put your future in the hands of some pimply faced 15 year old on a skateboard?… I think not… GO TO THE SOURCE and forget asking questions like this on the Internet.
At his point it looks like you are geared to either the sciences or math.
Many colleges give aptitude and interest tests. These tests not only tell you what you are interested in but also relate your interests to specific career paths.