How One Minor Change Increased Conversion By 200%

What’s even more interested is that the total redesign of the landing page brought an increase of 2%, while changing one line of copy – the call to action – yielded roughly an 8% increase in conversion. The saying “content is king” may have been coined by the SEO guru’s but it’s more than applicable in landing page optimization.

What had started as an acceptable 9% was quickly forgotten as we pushed the limits and increased conversion to just over 18%. In other words, we doubled the number of leads coming into the clients business without increasing his advertising budget by a even a single dollar!

Once the artists had finished making the site pretty it was time to make it really convert. We focused all of our effort on one piece of the page: the call to action. We ran a series of five tests, each with a different or newer version that tried to beat the previous winner.
The landing page had been converting at around 9%. After some style changes were made to the layout a second test was run and the result was an additional 2% in conversion, moving the page to 11%.

We recently worked with a client who was running PPC to generate leads for his business. The landing page promoted a business opportunity and enticed users to fill in there information in exchange for a free kit that they could read through to learn more about the opportunity.

The truth is that is probably isn’t. In fact, to date, we’ve never had a client that we ran some landing page testing on that we weren’t able to get to convert at a higher percentage (knock on wood). The craziest part of everything is that the biggest improvements often times come from the smallest changes.

One of the biggest mistakes people can make in internet marketing is not testing their landing pages. So many people take what they have and use it as their end-all without asking a critical question: is this really as good as it gets?

We do what it takes to make your site perform. Often times that calls for a variety of strategies to be implemented. The internet has created a new breed of marketers. Individuals who call on a variety of disciplines to understand the minds of buyers and develop internet campaigns that deliver atypical results in a typical world. As conversion Junkies we’ve taken and combined a variety of disciplines from computer science to psychology to create winning internet marketing campaigns that our partners love.

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