Question by chowchillaisforlosers l: how does evolution explain the first cell with all its complexity ?
In order for a cell to work , all of its parts has to be present at once therefore , it couldn’t of evolved because if one part of the process of a cell weren’t present that cell would fail.
A cell is pretty complex.
Sure we evolve but , as far as life evolving from a single cell that’s just crazy stupid. Atheists talk like a cell is so simple.(studies show that most people are average or below(Athiests)average I.Q.)

Explain consciousness.
Science says that most of our actions are unconscious and we don’t recognize them so the unconscious part of our brain is just our brain and not our consciousness so that means not all of our brain is consciousness just a certain area but , wait , that means that consciousness is no information because , information exist in the unconscious state so the therefore since our brains are information that means consciousness is not our brain.Or senses can’t sense consciousness . I think our consciousness decides the initiated choices to fire a neoron and , consciousness is self akwardly relative to other forms of existence in a different cartisian dualistic unperceivable aspect undetectable by reductionism parallel to cognitive perception of quantum physics.

Darwin would agree with me if he lived in this day in age with our advancements which he didn’t have.

Best answer:

Answer by celticcraftz
If your mind is not too closed try looking at this…
It may help explain to you the origins of cells.

Athiest (with a 160 IQ)

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