Geto Boys Open Minded Featuring DMG
…Your Brain Will Fall Out (Take My Wife) From Tim’s fantastic DVD ‘So Live’
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Geto Boys Open Minded Featuring DMG
…Your Brain Will Fall Out (Take My Wife) From Tim’s fantastic DVD ‘So Live’
Video Rating: 4 / 5
@luvveyduvvey haha.. good one 🙂
Actually, your body digests refined sugar just fine. It *is* food, and high-energy at that. That’s *why* we crave it. But with our ready supply of food, we don’t need to hoard sugars like our ancestors.
And your 70% is misleading. 70% of adults have *some* reduction in lactase activity. Many of them can still consume milk, just in lesser quantities. Of course, that percentage depends a lot on where your ancestors are from.
My mind is blown. A bit of its on the floor.. shouldn’t have opened it so much i guess.
@MrBillybag Don’t fall out with your sister over God! that way that God dickhead has won! But she is right about the sugar though. Refined sugar is bad for you because your body cannot digest it. It’s like cows milk in that way – 70% of humans cannot produce the lactase enzyme to digest milk. Leafy vegetables and small fish easily replace what we get from milk. As for refined sugar… you don’t need it. Your brain thinks it’s food – it’s not. As Jamie Oliver says; “there’s sugar in everything!”
My sister is a medical professional and still believes in that sh*t! She also believes children should never have sugar in any refined form such as on their cereals. Freaking nutcase! Unsurprisingly she is a DEVOUT catholic and I, I (!) am the ‘bad one’ of the family! Ho! Ho!
We don’t speak a lot for some reason…..
@StarWidget arsenic can be used to treat certain medical illnesses and been shown along with herpes to reduce tumors…. unfortunately it doesn’t remove them and the arsenic would kill you before the end of it’s treatment. oh and penicilin was created from fungal spores so yeah nature is cool.
If you open your mind too much your brain will fall out (take my wife)
LOL the title is somehow more hilarious after hearing the song.
@MsDuckfish really?!
yhea that won’t work no xD
where i’m from they are even sceptical of herbs and vitamins. Thanks for clearing me up ^_^
Homeopathy is not “herbal”, nor is it general “natural” remedies. It is a specific school of alternative treatment that holds that you can in fact erase water’s memory of all the poo by striking the container three times with a leather bound book.
No, really.
Vitamins, on the other hand, are scientifically observable. As are the beneficial effects of some aromatherapy.
@AtheistEvolution (on homeopathy)
I liked Minchin’s quote from “Storm”:
“It’s a miracle! Take physics and bin it! Water has memory! And whilst its memory of a long-lost drop of onion juice seems infinite, it somehow forgets all the poo it’s had in it!”
And my wife!
@garfreeek the open wounds were from scratching btw!
@AtheistEvolution @AtheistEvolution nope ^_^
vitamin b,c calcium pills, green clay to heal some of the open wounds faster, yeast pills and garlic pills!
all concentrated stuff, that’s what i’m saying stuff like vitamin pills and calcium is what i see as homeopathic, but if you want to try it out yourself..
drink two cups of nettle tea a day. and look at what you pee out.
that probably will not look very good, that’s all the shit that’s in a normal human body ^_^
@garfreeek Because if you look into it, the dilutions that homeopathic practitioners administer are so dilute that they no longer contain the “active” ingredient. (anything over 12C dilution and they regularly administer 30-120C solutions)
What is left you ask?
You think water cured your dog? or maybe it was coincidence or the fact that you cleaned him up and washed him and cared for him in other ways.
Or maybe it was the water. 🙂
@StarWidget than i probably got the terms confused, homeopathy must be the things like “aroma therapy” yhea that just makes you high, not helping against the problem.
i’m talking eating plants, berries and suplements like vitamin b and calcium ^_^
@garfreeek Oh, and of course things from nature work… like arsenic, cocaine, and cobra venom.
@garfreeek I think you are (like so many other people) confusing homeopathy with natural remedies. Herbal remedies do sometimes work, though not consistently from brand to brand due to the lack of regulations on such things.
Homeopathy is water. It’s things that are soooooo diluted, that they contain nothing but water. So, either your dog was dehydrated and that’s why it worked, or you weren’t using homeopathy.
fuckin brilliant. as always.
love this song xD
‘specialy the ending!
@TheGreatSparky seriously? we gave homeopathic stuff to our dog, got better, nice smooth hair and all that stuff. stopped after two months. he wa full of scabs hair was awfull and stuff. gave the stuff to him again.. not a problem anymore..
and i don’t think a placebo would work for my dog xD
but seriously, pills must come from something nature gave us, so why do people think other stuff from nature wouldn’t work?
“And my wife!” *Dink*
Ending on a serious note there. Genius. 🙂
@doktorzoom his stock’s gone up recently, funny that
hah laughed at “and my wife! – pling!” such a funny ending
I will give you my Piano!
I hate you.