Drunvalo is the author of four books including The Ancient Secrets of the Flower of Life, Volumes I and II, Living in the Heart and his newest one, Serpent of Light Drunvalo is a world traveler and has given workshops, seminars and lectures on sacred geometry, human energy fields, spirituality, meditation and living in the heart in 45 countries. His meditation with the angels and his work with prana and energy healing has helped tens of thousands of people. Drunvalo has expressed that healing in these areas are of extreme importance for the difficulties with one’s own body often stops us from continuing on our spiritual path. His research on the 3rd dimension with natural products and methods to help heal Mother Earth and all life forms is also a major focus in his life.
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dont talk nonsence
The secret of alchemy is that there exists a means of manipulating matter and energy so as to create what modern science calls a force field. This force field acts upon the observer and puts him in a privileged position in relation to the universe. From this privileged position he has access to realities that space and time, matter and energy, normally conceal from us.” – Fulcanelli
The art of the alchemist is the only true science.
Thanks for reacting on my new series.
After YouTube deleted my account NightfallProject , nothing shocks me anymore.
Some youtube users are just fakes to confuse our messages.
Have a good one
I havn’t invaded any countries lately or done anything to harm other people like the globalists have, so I don’t blame myself for the world’s problems.
Your right, Rockerfeller and the Rothchilds are evil, especially how they looted the ecomony with the bailout and the US Senate is corrupt beyond all comprehension.
No man what I think you’re doing is just blaming everyone except yourself and believing everyone is evil. Rockafeller is evil, ok, Rothechilds are bad, alright, US senate is corrupt, ok, scientists who think Global Warming is real, are idiots.
But at some point your going to have to trust people who aren’t yourself. Believe that some scientists are here to help us and trying to get the truth out. That what they are saying is true.
No offense but if its between believing them or you….
Putting Mercury into vaccines and Melamine into milk, promoting global warming hysteria, when the evidence saids that the Earth and the other planets are cooling down isn’t good science. In fact it’s not science at all. Science is about following the evidence, which the people that call themselves scientists don’t do.
Come on you have to know by now that god isn’t real. That religion and the belief of god were just another way to control us and makes us feel safe on an unsafe planet.
Ok maybe there was no evolution, maybe we have always been intelligent, from even 17,000 years ago, that we were destroyed and then born again and started anew – thus around 4,000 BCE.
But don’t discredit science like you do religion – science is still finding the answers – even if their not sharing them
great videos, 2012 is just around the corner.