Question by SUPERSTAR: do you believe in the secret or law of attraction? is a belief or philosophyy?
can you tell me how does work? and can you give me how can I put in my life this law? do you believe it’s true or false?

Best answer:

Answer by Nik
It’s an occult belief popularized in modern times by Helena Blavatsky. It works by supposedly speaking things into existence through, quite frankly, magick. Does it work? Yes. Is it a good thing? Hell no. You’re messing with entities far beyond your understanding – look into the teachings of Theosophy, and keep an eye out for Babylon.

Here are a couple of quotes on it:

“It is the universal law, which is understood by Plato and explained in Timaeus as the attraction of lesser bodies to larger ones, and of similar bodies to similar, the latter exhibiting a magnetic power rather than following the law of gravitation.” – Helena Blavatsky, Isis Unveilved vol. 1 p.244

“This is the secret of right receptivity: the mind responds according to its constitution; it answers to all that is of like nature with itself; we make it positive towards evil, negative towards good, by habitual good thinking, thus building into its very fabric materials that are receptive of good, unreceptive of evil. We must think of that which we desire to receive, and refuse to think of that which we desire not to receive.” – Annie Besant [student of Blavatsky], Thought Power: Its Control and Culture p.41

“We speak learnedly of the Law of Gravitation – but ignore that equally wonderful manifestation – The Law of Attraction in the Thought World. We are familiar with that wonderful manifestation of Law which draws and holds together the atoms of which matter is comprised. We recognize the power of the law that attracts bodies to earth, that holds the circling worlds in their places – but we close our eyes to the mighty Law that draws to us the things we desire or fear that makes of mars our lives.” – Occultist William Walker Atkinson, Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in The Thought Worldpp.1-2

“But in antiquity and reality, Lucifer, or Luciferus, is the name of the angelic Entity presiding over the light of truth as over the light of day… Lucifer is divine and terrestrial light, the “Holy Ghost” and “Satan” at one and the same time… And now it stands proven that Satan, or the Red Fiery Dragon, the “Lord of Phosphorus”, and Lucifer, or “Light-Bearer”, is in us: it is our Mind…” – Helena Blavatsky,The Secret Doctrine pp.512-513

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