Do Voodoo Love Spells Work?
Voodoo is a religion or a collection of religious ideas mainly from Africa and the Caribbean country Haiti, creating two types of voodoo. They are quite different in nature and are called Louisiana Voodoo and Haitian Voodoo respectively. The former kind of voodoo is a product of Afro-American religious culture.
But in 1930s a new misconception was perceived that voodoo was a culture of sticking pins into dolls and was associated with hexing and some people took up the voodoo career in search of a fortune, something which the true voodoo followers never did. Now, the modern concept of voodoo comprises of voodoo hexes and more significantly voodoo love spells.
Although the modern form of voodoo is an occult practice and believed as superstitious by some of the common population, yet there are those who really believe in voodoo spells, especially love spells.
However, the modern form of voodoo is specifically a practice and business that mostly includes voodoo dolls. These dolls, along with spells and rituals are said to protect and / or destroy people at one’s content, same as voodoo love dolls and spells.
Voodoo love spells, the most commonly used voodoo practices, are used to bring back lost love, to repair damaged love, to make someone interested in you and to punish one’s spouse or partner.
For most of the times, they are bound to be associated with a good intent of returning love completely. They often use, candles, herbs, flowers, shells, gris-sris bags,talismans and voodoo veves, along with the most commonly used voodoo dolls. These spells also sometimes used along with love potions.
As already said before, although voodoo love spells seem to have no scientific base; some people still believe very deeply in it. And both of these groups of people ask for one common thing: do they really work?
Well, the answer is that we may never know for sure. It is perfectly true that science is not complete yet, which proves that it is still not able to explain every mystery of this world. Also the voodoo practice has not been proven right yet, we may never disprove it totally.
On the other hand, if we look at the very basic of voodoo love spells business, we observe that the assumptions are very similar to other occult practices such as tarot reading or Egyptian love spells and moreover, awakening love for someone in a person’s heart by means of some enchanted dolls and some seemingly meaningless rituals offend common sense.
So a definite answer to this question can never be attained. But still, the bottom line remains, no one can tell you whether voodoo love spells really work or not.
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A voodoo doll must find the courage to save his friends from being pinned to death. Follow me on Twitter: To see more films by Joaquin Baldwin go to This 3d animation was created at the UCLA Animation Workshop, with music by Nick Fevola.
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