David Cross on Religion
Video Rating: 4 / 5

I usually don’t upload other videos and post them (thanks YOISM.org), but this video was too good to pass up. It reinforces why I love this candidate. Finally someone eloquent who really gets it!!! He admits some of the inanities in the bible and the illogic. He admits that faith is illogical and imperfect. He lays out why religion should stay out of government. He’s for civil unions and not marriage, but… eh… criticizing that is like not driving the Lamborghini because it only gets 9 miles per gallon. It’s my assertion that Obama is either a closet atheist only in religion for political reasons (Yeah hypocritical, the Lamborghini doesn’t have any cup holders either) or he’s one of the last and most sane Christian I could ever hope to meet. Enjoy.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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