The counterculture of the sixties and how it changed our world.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

The revolution of Jesus Christ who countered culture. We were called to be in the world, yet -not- of the world. (coming soon)
Video Rating: 4 / 5
@14ManuChao Well hurry up and get good at guitar so you can help change the world! lol
@14ManuChao Well hurry up and get good at guitar so you can help change the world! lol
@DontEatEggs666 haha!I like bragging.It’s ok.I always do it! lol
@14ManuChao Oops. Lol I forgot I just said the same thing to you earlier. Now It really sounds like I was bragging. sorry haha
@14ManuChao I’m that good. Lol I know it sounds like I’m bragging, but I’m only 16 and I’ve met soo many guitar players and none of them are as good as me. I plan on using my talent to make people think and live like the hippies and punks did.
@DontEatEggs666 You know…I am now learning to play the guitar well enough on my own!I wish I could play good enough to communicate through music!!
@larockeramenor Yeeeaahhhh………!!!!!
The Hippies, they abstained from alcohol, peace loving, used theogenic drugs, all nice, spread love..
And suddenly…. The FUCKING C.I.A. introduces non-theogenic drugs, introduced alcohol, and fucked them all up.
A nation against its people is MADNESS.
hey theres your dad in his underpants what a groovy guy
@larockeramenor It’s never over, you’ll find the 60’s in Berkeley.
We need some more love in the world. Give away hugs for free.
Hippies hate facts.
They prefer their fantasy world.
no offense, the whole idea of peace and love is great, but i feel that it is more irresponsible than ideal
@14ManuChao Yes, I know everyone likes to brag, but I’m an amazing guitar player, and I plan on using my skills to change the world. To be honest, tons of kids at my school brag about how great they are and how they can do all kinds of solos and how they took lessons, yet I’m self taught and I’ll play with them and it’ll completely discourage them from playing. lol We need to change the world with music again!
@DontEatEggs666 Hey…do you really play the guitar?Cause I do! But,don’t you agree with me?Shouldn’t we change the world?You know,like the hippies managed to do.
I LIVED IT! Best memory was seeing the Beatles live in 1965 at Shea Stadium, NY. Then summer of 69 some friends asked me if I wanted to go to an “open air’ concert upstate NY. Open air concert? “What? we have to sit on the ground” I said. “Guess so” they replied. “No thanks” I said. You guessed it, that open air concert turned out to be “WOODSTOCK”. I remember listening to AM radio and hearing the NYS Thruway was backed up for miles people were trying to get there. What the F#%K I said!
@larockeramenor screw u hippie!
@HoneyPatchworks Hell yea! lol wish there were more people like you in my high school.
@14ManuChao P.S. Obviously I’m kidding. lol
@14ManuChao Way ahead of you. I’m failing school, toking-up all the time, and plannin’ on bein homeless and traveling across america paying for my meals by playing acoustic guitar for tips, while I liberate peoples’ minds with what I’ve learned from Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn.
the 60s as some kind of cultural awakening is a great myth.the rock stars you speak of became nothing but money grubbing much do they charge for 1 of their counter cultural shows.the baby boomers equal greed-wall street,pay to watch tv,listen to radio.try something else or society wouldnt be as screwed as it is
the best decade for Crowley.
wow guys, this is beautiful i feel exactly the same way…i just turned 16 last week and went to a jazz festival for my birthday instead of all the glitz and glam commercialism “sweet sixteens” stand for. indie spirit!
What started the counter culture. I thought White people were hell bent on being imperialist, and racist. Of course not all of them but stil to many to say it wasnot the case. I wasn’t born back in the 60’s but I’m still have to struggle with White racism. So what did the counter culture do in that area?
so true! we as christians in the time need to really think about things that happening and the path we are on and whether or not we think it is really the way God has for us.
@PhenomenalDays why do you say that?
god does not exist… jesus is dead and gone
I appreciate this video. Im having a lot of trouble wrapping my mind around dropping the reigns of my life and handing it over to God. I have tried half heartedly and have been afraid of everything “I” have worked for, to go down the drain when I “let go”. I think I compare giving everything over to God, to something in a physical sense. That if I base what happens in my life on some entity, then nothing will happen…Im trying to learn. I really liked what Becca said. It makes sense to me.
mankind is mentally damaged, practically deranged, by industrialization, urbanization, specialization- in the developed world, of course.
It’s natural for things to not make sense- the fact is, thing DON’T make sense.
I understand you want answers and I understand, I suspect, why you turn to god. It is a very popular convention, and frankly, it doesn’t take a lot of effort.
Also, when was the last time you went HIKING?
That would help ease your industrial angst.
Viva Shakespeare!
“Full Devil Jacket”???
Because Becca is a very deep person. She thinks out everything that she says. Not to say Lauren and Alyssa don’t, but she just doesn’t talk a whole lot. lol
🙂 double woot
lol. hey you should totally become my friend lol. i love our BG obsessionness 🙂
“crazy wisdom” thats a good way to put it!
yeah. i totally agree. becca is an observer and when she talks she has crazy wisdom 🙂
i agree, alyssa and lauren talk a lot and (its not like they say the wrong thing or anything im just sayin is all)becca doesnt say much but its deeper and simpler (i guess is the best way i can explain it)
i love what becca said
(: yeah
barlowgirl is so right
ughhhh. question everything… what a fucking joke. christianity, historically and ideologically, has always been the mortal enemy of everything that seeks, everything that questions, anything that looks for truth honestly and diligently. i’m talking science, philosophy, politics, everything. but this video has one interesting point: christians are against this world. they hate anything that does not conform to their delusion of a master. not just an insane delusion then, also a destructive one.
I know this is a very old post, but why do you think that in the end we turn out alone? God is always with you, and if you don’t want Him, He is just waiting with open arms. What do you mean we find ourselves in the same place? With Him your life will be blessed, and that is a promise that He made (it’s in His Word).
As Cortana said- “This is the way the World ends.” As Padma said- “So This Is How Liberty Dies, With Thunderous Applause.”
So this is how Liberty dies, with thunderous applause.
I think that christianity is about silencing the common person, because wether we like it or not were not common. We have a greater calling in our lives other than trying to fit or be noticed by others, our satisfaction will come to an end. Plus I think that in the end we turn out alone, and we find ourselves in the same place we started, I mean where is that going to take us.
If this is Christianity (The silencing of all individual voices) then count Me the fuck OUT! I will not nor will I EVER serve a movement that wills to silence the voice of the common person and if that is Christianities goal then the sooner Atheism gets rid of it the BETTER!!!!!!
SO Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Expression is evil now, and the individual voice of everyone is evil. If Christianity count Me out. This Culture is the individual voices of everyone that you seem to want silenced well thank you for informing Me right now that for the last 20 years of My life I have been working for the Enemy of Freedom.
Cornerstone by Day of Fire
this vid’s so awesome! XD
whats the title of the song ??
WOOT! I love this video