Question by pikoinko: Could you tell me about the augury in ancient Rome?
I have read a description that the augurs in ancient rome were consulted three times. Does it mean that the augury was done three times for each matter ? As far as I know, one of the famous auguries was that of Romulus and Remus in order to decide which should be the founder, and Remus saw six birds and Romulus saw twelve birds. Thank you for your information.
I wonder if there is any information about the times that the augures were consulted. But, does such a question make no sense?

Best answer:

Answer by gatita_63109
Augury is an ancient form of divination. The practice was performed in ancient Rome by priests called augurs. It entailed the interpretation of auspices, that is the movement of birds and/or the movement of animals.

Also included in this form of divination was the interpretation of the significance of thunder and lightening. Those signs on the augur’s left or east side denoted a favorable outcome, while those on the right pointed to an ill-omen.

The Augur (pl: augures) was a priest and official in the classical world, especially ancient Rome. His main role was to interpret the will of the gods by studying the flight of the birds (flying in groups/alone, what noises they make as they fly, direction of flight and what kind of birds they are), known as “taking the auspices.” The ceremony and function of the augur was central to any major undertaking in Roman society–public or private–including matters of war, commerce, and religion.

Amongst the most remarkable of natural occurrences must be included many of the phenomena connected with the behaviour of birds. Undoubtedly numerous species of birds are susceptible to atmospheric changes (of an electrical and barometric nature) too slight to be observed by man’s unaided senses; thus only is to be explained the phenomenon of migration and also the many other peculiarities in the behaviour of birds whereby approaching changes in the weather may be foretold. Probably, also, this fact has much to do with the extraordinary homing instinct of pigeons.


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