Question by Tiffany: can someone please write me a page long story using atleast 8 of these words?
Bas-relief – n- sculptures with ornaments or figures raised from the background

debase- v- to lower in quality, value, or dignity

declivity- n- a downward slope

echelon- n- 1. a step like formation of troops, ships or aircraft 2. a level of command or authority

imponderable- adj- unable to be assessed or measured precisely

leaven- n- 1. a substance, like yeast, that causes dough to rise 2. a lightening or enlivening influence

legerdemain-n- 1. magic trick 2. trickery or deception

leverage- the action that raises or lifts

levitate- v- to rise or float

levity- a lightness in speech or behavior

penchant- n- a strong liking

ponderous- adj.- extremely heavy or massive

propenderent- adj- superior in number

proclivity-n- a natural tendency

transcedent- adj- going beyond the limits of ordinary experience

Best answer:

Answer by G. Dinkleman
Write it yourself. >:| You’re not getting As for my hard work.

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