Question by : Can anyone tell me which episodes of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood have homunculi in them?
I’m writing something and I need to know the event of the show that mainly involve homunculi and I don’t want to watch the WHOLE movie an constantly wait for something homunculus related. If I how which episodes I need to watch, and be ready to take notes right away. Lots of thanks all who give decent answers.

Best answer:

Answer by DreamingOfASong
Wow, that’s a tall order. Let’s see… the homunculi (at least one of them or more) appear in these episodes:

01 “Fullmetal Alchemist” (Wrath as King Bradley)
03 “City of Heresy” (Lust, Gluttony)
05 “Rain of Sorrows” (Lust, Gluttony, Envy)
04 “An Alchemist’s Anguish” (Wrath as King Bradley)
07 “Hidden Truths” (Lust, Gluttony)
08 “The Fifth Laboratory” (Lust, Envy)
10 “Separate Destinations” (Lust, Envy, Wrath as King Bradley)
13 “Beasts of Dublith” (Greed)
14 “Those Who Lurk Underground” (Greed, Wrath)
16 “Footsteps of a Comrade-in-Arms” (Envy)
18 “The Arrogant Palm of a Small Human” (Gluttony)
19 “Death of the Undying” (Lust, Gluttony)
21 “Advance of the Fool” (Wrath as King Bradley)
22 “Backs in the Distance” (Gluttony, Wrath as King Bradley)
23 “Girl on the Battlefield” (Gluttony, Wrath as King Bradley)
24 “Inside the Belly” (Gluttony, Envy)
25 “Doorway of Darkness” (Gluttony, Envy, Wrath as King Bradley)
26 “Reunion” (Gluttony, Envy, Wrath as King Bradley)
28 “Father” (Gluttony, Envy, Greed)
29 “Struggle of the Fool” (Gluttony, Envy, Greed, Wrath as King Bradley)
30 “The Ishvalan War of Extermination” (Envy, Wrath as King Bradley)
31 “The 520 Cens Promise” (Envy)
32 “The Fuhrer’s Son” (Pride as Selim, Wrath as King Bradley)
34 “Ice Queen” (Sloth)
35 “The Shape of This Country” (Sloth)
36 “Family Portrait” (Sloth)
37 “The First Homunculus” (Pride)
40 “Homunculus (The Dwarf in the Flask)” (Wrath as King Bradey)
42 “Signs of a Counteroffensive” (Envy, Pride, Sloth)
43 “Bite of the Ant” (Envy)
44 “Revving at Full Throttle” (Greed, Wrath as King Bradley)
45 “The Promised Day” (Envy, Greed, Wrath as King Bradley, Pride as Selim)
46 “Looming Shadows” (Gluttony, Pride, Sloth, Wrath as King Bradley)
47 “Emissary of Darkness” (Gluttony, Greed, Pride)
48 “The Oath in the Tunnel” (Gluttony, Pride)
49 “Filial Affection” (Greed, Pride)
51 “The Immortal Legion” (Envy, Pride, Sloth)
52 “Combined Strength” (Envy, Pride, Sloth)
53 “Flame of Vengeance” (Envy)
54 “Beyond the Inferno” (Envy)
55 “The Adults’ Way of Life” (Sloth, Wrath as King Bradley)
56 “The Return of the Fuhrer” (Greed, Wrath as King Bradley)
57 “Eternal Leave” (Greed, Wrath as King Bradley)
58 “Sacrifices” (Greed, Wrath as King Bradley)
59 “Lost Light” (Pride, Wrath as King Bradley)
60 “Eye of Heaven, Gateway of Earth” (Greed, Pride, Wrath as King Bradley)
61 “He Who Would Swallow God” (Pride, Wrath as King Bradley)
62 “A Fierce Counterattack” (Greed)
63 “The Other Side of the Gateway” (Greed)
64 “Journey’s End” (Pride as Selim)

Phew, that should be all them and their appearances. I hope this helps you 🙂

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