Question by LabGrrl is out of hospital: British Diabolism, ca 1985-book suggestions?
Britsh Diabolism, ca:1985…book suggestions….?
I’ve a cousin writing about British Diabolism (especially in the 1980s and 1990s) for an anthropology class, and since anthropology was one of my majors, she asked me for some book suggestions, especially “rated PG-13” ones.

Other than “The Velvet Glove” I am totally clueless about the subject….this is so not my field…..

[reposted because only answer in prior one was a conduct violation. Further conduct violations are reported to yahoo.]
Footy- It’s not being a report monkey when someone creates new accounts to stalk you and you report them. If you let the bad guys be the only one who use the report button you let them win. I am not afraid to report actual violations, and I’m not going to be pressured into not doing so because i’m afraid you’ll call me a name.
Thanks for those who gave me the stuff on Satanism. Apparently they are very different things, but now I know that. Hehe.

Best answer:

Answer by mommanuke
I would go to a site like Amazon and put British Diabolism in the search box.

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