Question by Obama nation: Are our globalist controllers hiding ancient secrets from us which is why they don’t care what happens?
Do they know the end is coming in 2012 when the sun lets loose with huge flares that incinerate Earth?

The ancients may have known that every 13,000 years the sun goes though a cycle where it withholds it’s solar activity for a few years, and the earth gets colder, then to re-balance itself, it lets the flares go that reach as far down as our planet. There are soil samples taken from the subterranean surface that indicate 13,000 years ago such an event happened and we are now in another such cycle. The Aztec calendar maybe one of these secrets that the globalist are hiding information about warning us about this sun cycle that will end in a 2012 incineration of Earth!

Best answer:

Answer by wartz
“Globalist Controllers,” That’s a new one. The tinfoil hat crowd should latch on to it immediately.

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