Sehu Khepera Ankh gives insight into the teachings that were espoused by the spiritual master, Sage Akhenaton. The Atonism lecture series by Sehu started in June of 2008 and has been ongoing ever since. This profound series of teachings illustrates, among other things, that Sage Akhenaton did not ban the study and worship of the other deities, especially Amon, of the Ancient Egyptian pantheon. Thus, the Atonism lectures are a treasure containing the high mysticism of Ancient Egypt.
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Steven Maines is a wonderful philosophical teacher who speaks about mysticism and mystery schools both ancient and present, and has been involved in The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC for nearly 30 years and Religious Science for 2 decades. Steven also has a degree in philosophy and is the author of Longinus: Book I of the Merlin Factor and Myrriddin: Book II of the Merlin Factor, writings which are influenced by his years of experience in philosophical research and include layers of such experience embedded in them which he often uses to illustrate examples of universal laws, teachings, concepts and thoughts for empowerment, peace and balance.
how cool to discover these kemetic gems.
When someone says: “they” don’t want you to know whatever…. you know they are bullshitting you, Or at least I hope you do.
Wonderful, thank you 😉